首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Factors Correlated with Home Gardening in Gauteng Province South Africa

Factors Correlated with Home Gardening in Gauteng Province South Africa




Background: In addition to increasing access to fresh and affordable produce, home gardening enhances food security. This notwithstanding, there is no evidence of studies that have investigated factors correlated with home gardening in Gauteng Province (GP), South Africa. The present study investigated home gardening across the GP. Methods: Retrospective data of residents of GP (n = 30002) collected by the Gauteng City Region Observatory were used. A binary logistic regression was employed to determine factors correlated with home gardening. Results: Overall participation in home gardening was low (12.37%). If a respondent was a resident of the poorest areas, resided in a house received under the Rural Development Programme, had a borehole/well as the main source of water, belonged to a social club, received a social grant, was >65 years, and rated his/her health as poor, then they were more likely to participate in home gardening. Factors that were negatively correlated with home gardening included if the respondent rented from private individuals and if the respondent’s health status prevented him/her from doing daily work. Conclusion: The low participation levels in home gardening observed suggest the failure of the current policies geared at fostering home gardening in the province. Policy makers and relevant authorities should target identified groups to improve participation in home gardening.
机译:背景:除了增加进入新鲜和经济的产品外,家庭园艺提高了粮食安全。这是迄今为止,没有有证据表明研究有关南非豪登省(GP)的家庭园艺相关的因素。本研究调查了对全科医生的家庭园艺。方法:使用豪登市区地区天文台收集的GP(n = 30002)的回顾性数据。采用二元逻辑回归来确定与家庭园艺相关的因素。结果:整体参与家庭园艺低(12.37%)。如果受访者是最贫穷地区的居民,居住在收到的农村发展计划下的房屋中,有一个钻孔/作为主要的水源,属于社会俱乐部,获得了社会补助金,是> 65岁,并评为他/她的健康,因为他们更有可能参加家庭园艺。如果受访者从私人租用的话,那么与家庭园艺带来负相关的因素,如果受访者的健康状况阻止他/她每天工作。结论:所观察到的家庭园艺中的低参与水平暗示当前政策在省内培育家庭园艺中的目前的政策失败。政策制定者和有关当局应定位确定的团体,以改善家庭园艺的参与。



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