首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Adolescents’ Sexy Self-Presentation on Instagram: An Investigation of Their Posting Behavior Using a Prototype Willingness Model Perspective

Adolescents’ Sexy Self-Presentation on Instagram: An Investigation of Their Posting Behavior Using a Prototype Willingness Model Perspective




Some adolescents use social media platforms, such as Instagram, for sexualized self-presentation, which includes posting images in which someone is scarcely dressed, has a sexy gaze or in which sexual willingness is suggested. These behaviors could be a first step towards sexting. Given that adolescents are highly influenced by peer perceptions, this study uses the prototype willingness model to assess how teenagers’ perceptions of others could influence their posting behaviors. The study was conducted among 2626 students (n = 1530; 58.4% girls) between the ages of 14 and 21 (M = 16.14; SD = 1.02) in 10 secondary schools in the Dutch-speaking community in Belgium. The results show that older adolescents and girls were more likely to post images of themselves on Instagram. The models showed that peer norms and willingness and attitudes were significantly associated with posting intention. The perceived norms of adolescents’ parents were not significantly related to the behaviors. There were also significant associations between perceived similarity, prototype favorability and the willingness to engage in sexualized self-presentation on Instagram. The implications for education and practice are discussed.
机译:一些青少年使用社交媒体平台,例如Instagram,用于性的自我演示,包括张贴图像缺少的帖子,具有性感的凝视或建议性意愿。这些行为可能是对性爱的第一步。鉴于青少年受到同伴感知的高度影响,本研究使用原型意愿模型来评估青少年对他人的看法如何影响其张力行为。该研究在比利时荷兰语社区中的10所中学的年龄在14和21岁(M = 16.14; SD = 1.02)之间进行了2626名(n = 1530; 58.4%的女孩)。结果表明,旧青少年和女孩更有可能在Instagram上发布自己的图像。该模型表明,对等规范和意愿和态度与发布意图显着相关。青少年父母的感知规范与行为没有明显相关。感知相似度,原型优势和愿意在Instagram上与性的自我介绍的意愿也存在重大的联系。讨论了对教育和实践的影响。



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