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High-resolution analysis of cell-state transitions in yeast suggests widespread transcriptional tuning by alternative starts




Profiling of transcript heterogeneity during three synchronized cell-fate transitions. a Schematic overview of the master time-course used for this study. Diploid cells harboring both IME1 fused to the CUP promoter and NDT80 expressed from the GAL promoter together with Gal4 fused to the estrogen receptor (pCUP-IME1 and GAL4.ER pGAL-NDT80) (FW2795) were grown in rich medium (YPD) overnight. Saturated cultures were pelleted, washed, and resuspended (OD600 = 2.5) in sporulation medium (SPO). Samples were collected at the indicated time points, spanning the pre-meiotic (pm) cell-state and three different cell-fate transitions. Then, 50 μM CuSO4 was added 2 h after the cells were transferred to SPO to induce IME1 expression and drive cells to enter meiosis (transition 1). Subsequently, 1 μM β-estradiol was added 6 h after transfer to SPO to induce NDT80 expression, which in turn induced meiotic divisions and spore formation (transition 2). In parallel, at 6 h in SPO, cells were returned to the mitotic cell cycle (transition 3) by transferring cells to YPD. b Evidence for synchrony of cell-fate transition 1, 2, and 3. For transition 1 (T1), the kinetics of pre-meiotic DNA replication was determined by flow cytometry analysis of DNA content (left panel). Samples were taken at indicated time points and fixed, and DNA content was measured by propidium iodide staining. For transition 2 (T2), kinetics of meiotic divisions was determined. Samples were taken at the indicated time point and fixed in ethanol, nuclei were stained with DAPI, and DAPI masses were counted. Cells that harbored two, three, or four DAPI masses were classified as cells undergoing meiosis I or meiosis II (% meiosis). In total, 200 cells were counted at each time point. For transition 3, budding kinetics was determined by cell morphology (right panel) for 200 cells per time point. Results are representative of three independent, biological repeats. c Schematic of sample collections, TSS-seq and TES-seq methods and other methods were used. In short, we performed mRNA-seq after total RNA extraction. In addition, poly(A) + RNA was purified from aliquots of the same total RNA, was fragmented, and was used as inputs for TSS-seq or TES-seq. For TSS seq, the fragments were dephosphorylated and treated with a decapping enzyme so that only bona fide mRNA 5′ ends were competent for ligation. A custom oligo was ligated to these ends and fragments were converted to cDNA libraries for sequencing. For TES-seq, fragments harboring the 3′ ends were converted to cDNA using a biotinylated, anchored oligo d(T) primer with a GsuI restriction enzyme site. cDNA was then captured on streptavidin beads and the poly(A) tails were shortened by GsuI, before library amplification and sequencing. For TIF-seq, equal amounts of total RNA from each time point spanning the pre-meiotic stage (pm) and each cell-fate transition (T1–3) were pooled. For MNase-seq, cells at selected time points were harvested to profile chromatin structure. The data represented are from n = 3 biological repeats. d Distribution of the numbers of unique TSSs/TESs at single nucleotide resolution per gene. e Overview of mRNA-seq (gray), TSS seq (red), and TES seq (blue) data at the RAD16 locus of different time points representing the different transitions (T1, T2, and T3). The scale of mRNA-seq, TSS-seq, and TES-seq values are depicted at the top of the panel. Scale (bp) are shown. f Distribution of the number of TSS/TES clusters per gene. g Percentage of TSS/TES clusters for each transition supported by TIF-seq. Weakly expressed TSSs/TESs (TPM < 10) are compared to the highly expressed ones (TPM ≥ 10). h Expression heatmap of genes known to be expressed early in gametogenesis (T1: RFA2, REC102, REC104, IME2), expressed after Ndt80 induction (T2: CLB3, CLB4, SPO12, SSP2) or expressed during mitotic growth (T3: RPL3, RPL27a, RPL32, RPL38). The pre-meiotic state (pm) is included as reference. mRNA-seq and TSS-seq and TES-seq data for each time point were scaled between 0 and 1 across the time course
机译:在三个同步的细胞 - 命运过渡期间转录物异质性的分析。用于本研究的主时间课程的示意图。涉及从加仑启动子与融合到雌激素受体(PCUP-IME1和GAL4.er PGAL-NDT80)(FW2795)的GAL4融合到杯启动子和从GAL启动子的NDT80融合到杯启动子和NDT80的NDT80在富含培养基(YPD)中生长过夜。将饱和培养物沉淀,洗涤,重悬浮(OD600 = 2.5)(OD600 = 2.5),在孢子介质中(SPO)。在指定的时间点收集样品,跨越人的预热剂(PM)细胞状态和三种不同的细胞排气过渡。然后,在将细胞转移到静止以诱导IME1表达和驱动细胞进入减数分裂(过渡1)后加入50μMCUSO42小时。随后,将1μMβ-雌二醇加入6小时后,转移至静止以诱导NDT80表达,这反过来诱导的减少植物分裂和孢子形成(转变2)。与6小时平行,通过将细胞转移至YPD,将细胞返回到有丝分裂细胞周期(过渡3)。 B用于转型1(t1)的细胞 - 命运转型1,2和3的证据,通过DNA含量的流式细胞术分析(左面板)来确定预解剖DNA复制的动力学。在指定的时间点和固定的样品中拍摄样品,通过碘化丙锭染色测量DNA含量。对于过渡2(T2),确定了减数分裂分部的动力学。在指定的时间点拍摄样品并固定在乙醇中,用DAPI染色核,并计数DAPI质量。将两种,三个或四个DAPI质量群体的细胞分类为接受过分裂I或MeIosis II(%MeIosis)的细胞。总共,在每个时间点计算200个细胞。对于过渡3,通过细胞形态(右侧Panel)测定萌芽动力学,每时间点为200个细胞。结果是三个独立的生物重复的代表。使用样品收集,TSS-SEQ和TES-SEQ方法和其他方法的C示意图。简而言之,我们在总RNA提取后进行mRNA-SEQ。此外,从相同总RNA的等分试样纯化聚(a)+ RNA,碎裂,用作TSS-SEQ或TES-SEQ的输入。对于TSS SEQ,碎片被去磷酸化并用折断酶处理,使得只有BOA FIDE mRNA 5'末端是合同的结扎。将定制寡聚聚合物连接到这些末端,并将片段转化为CDNA文库进行测序。对于TES-SEQ,将含3'末端的片段使用生物素化的锚定寡核苷酸底漆转化为cDNA,与GSUI限制酶位点。然后在链霉抗生物素蛋白珠粒上捕获cDNA,并且GSUI在文库扩增和测序之前通过GSUI缩短多(a)尾。对于TIF-SEQ,汇集了来自跨越人生阶段(PM)和每种细胞排序转变(T1-3)的每个时间点的等量总RNA。对于MNASE-SEQ,收获所选时间点的细胞以剖面染色质结构。表示的数据来自n = 3生物重复。 D在每种基因单核苷酸分辨率下分布唯一TSSS / TES的数量。 MRNA-SEQ(灰色),TSS SEQ(RED)和TES SEQ(蓝色)数据的概述在代表不同的转换的不同时间点的RAD16基因座(T1,T2和T3)。 MRNA-SEQ,TSS-SEQ和TES-SEQ值的比例在面板的顶部描绘。显示尺度(BP)。 f每个基因的TSS / TES簇数的分布。对于TIF-SEQ支持的每个转换的G百分比TSS / TES集群。将弱表达的TSSS / TESS / TESS(TPM <10)与高表达的TPM(TPM≥10)进行比较。 HED表达在配子发生(T1:RFA2,REC102,REC104,IME2)早期表达的基因的H表达热图(T2:CLB3,CLB4,SPO12,SSP2)或在有丝分裂生长(T3:RPL3,RPL27A期间,rpl32,rpl38)。将Pre-Deiotic状态(PM)作为参考。每个时间点的mRNA-SEQ和TSS-SEQ和TES-SEQ数据在时间课程中缩放到0到1之间



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