首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Clinical Interventions in Aging >Dementia Enlightened?! A Systematic Literature Review of the Influence of Indoor Environmental Light on the Health of Older Persons with Dementia in Long-Term Care Facilities

Dementia Enlightened?! A Systematic Literature Review of the Influence of Indoor Environmental Light on the Health of Older Persons with Dementia in Long-Term Care Facilities




Light therapy for older persons with dementia is often administered with light boxes, even though indoor ambient light may more comfortably support the diverse lighting needs of this population. Our objective is to investigate the influence of indoor daylight and lighting on the health of older adults with dementia living in long-term care facilities. A systematic literature search was performed within PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, Web of Science and Scopus databases. The included articles (n=37) were published from 1991 to 2020. These articles researched the influence of existing and changed indoor light conditions on health and resulted in seven categories of health outcomes. Although no conclusive evidence was found to support the ability of indoor light to decrease challenging behaviors or improve circadian rhythms, findings of two studies indicate that exposure to (very) cool light of moderate intensity diminished agitation. Promising effects of indoor light were to reduce depressive symptoms and facilitate spatial orientation. Furthermore, there were indications that indoor light improved one’s quality of life. Despite interventions with dynamic lighting having yielded little evidence of its efficacy, its potential has been insufficiently researched among this study population. This review provides a clear and comprehensive description of the impact of diverse indoor light conditions on the health of older adults with dementia living in long-term care facilities. Variation was seen in terms of research methods, (the description of) light conditions, and participants’ characteristics (types and severity of dementia), thus confounding the reliability of the findings. The authors recommend further research to corroborate the beneficial effects of indoor light on depression and to clarify its role in supporting everyday activities of this population. An implication for practice in long-term care facilities is raising the awareness of the increased lighting needs of aged residents.
机译:对于具有痴呆症的老年人的轻质疗法通常用轻型箱管理,即使室内环境光可能会舒适地支持这种人群的多样化需求。我们的目标是调查室内日光和照明对长期护理设施生活痴呆症的老年人健康的影响。在PubMed,Cinahl,Psycinfo,Science和Scopus数据库网络中进行了系统文献搜索。本文的文章(n = 37)于1991年至2020年公布。这些文章研究了现有和更换室内光线条件对健康的影响,并导致七类卫生结果。虽然没有找到确凿的证据支持室内光减少挑战性行为或改善昼夜节律的能力,但两项研究的结果表明,暴露于(非常)的中等强度搅拌的温度降低。室内光的承诺效果是减少抑郁症状,促进空间取向。此外,有迹象表明室内光改善了一个人的生活质量。尽管有动态照明的干预措施产生了很少的证据,但其潜力在这项研究人口中没有足够的研究。本综述提供了一个明确而全面的描述对多元化的室内轻度条件对痴呆症生活在长期护理设施中的痴呆症的影响的影响。在研究方法(对痴呆症的类型和痴呆症的类型和严重程度)方面看到了变化,从而使研究员的可靠性混杂。作者建议进一步研究,以证实室内光对抑郁症的有益效果,并澄清其在支持这一人口的日常活动方面的作用。在长期护理设施方面的实践暗示提高了对老年居民的增加的照明需求的认识。



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