首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Clinical Investigation >Type III hyperlipoproteinemia and spontaneous atherosclerosis in mice resulting from gene replacement of mouse Apoe with human Apoe*2.

Type III hyperlipoproteinemia and spontaneous atherosclerosis in mice resulting from gene replacement of mouse Apoe with human Apoe*2.

机译:用人类Apoe * 2替代小鼠Apoe基因后导致的III型高脂蛋白血症和小鼠自发性动脉粥样硬化。



To study isoform-specific effects of apolipoprotein E (apoE) in vivo, we generated mice with a human APOE*2 allele in place of the mouse Apoe gene via targeted gene replacement in embryonic stem cells. Mice expressing human apoE2 (2/2) have virtually all the characteristics of type III hyperlipoproteinemia. Their plasma cholesterol and triglyceride levels are both twice to three times those in (normolipidemic) mice that are expressing human apoE3 (3/3) made in an identical manner. The 2/2 mice are markedly defective in clearing beta-migrating VLDL particles, and spontaneously develop atherosclerotic plaques, even on a regular diet. An atherogenic diet, high in fat and cholesterol, exacerbates development of atherosclerosis and xanthomas in the 2/2 mice. Thus, comparisons between the 2/2 and 3/3 mice unequivocally demonstrate that a single amino acid difference (Arg158 Cys) in the apoE protein is sufficient to cause type III HLP and spontaneous atherosclerosis in mice.
机译:为了研究载脂蛋白E(apoE)在体内的同工型特异性作用,我们通过在胚胎干细胞中进行靶向基因置换,生成了具有人类APOE * 2等位基因代替小鼠Apoe基因的小鼠。表达人apoE2(2/2)的小鼠实际上具有III型高脂蛋白血症的所有特征。它们的血浆胆固醇和甘油三酯水平都是(正常血脂的)小鼠的2-3倍,这些小鼠以相同的方式表达人类apoE3(3/3)。 2/2小鼠在清除β迁移的VLDL颗粒方面明显有缺陷,甚至在常规饮食下也能自发形成动脉粥样硬化斑块。高脂肪和高胆固醇的致动脉粥样化饮食会加剧2/2小鼠的动脉粥样硬化和黄瘤的发展。因此,在2/2和3/3小鼠之间的比较清楚地表明,apoE蛋白中的单个氨基酸差异(Arg158 Cys)足以引起III型HLP和小鼠自发性动脉粥样硬化。



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