首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>The Journal of Clinical Investigation >Activation of clones producing self-reactive antibodies by foreign antigen and antiidiotype antibody carrying the internal image of the antigen.

Activation of clones producing self-reactive antibodies by foreign antigen and antiidiotype antibody carrying the internal image of the antigen.




Because we found in previous work that a high fraction of antibodies exhibiting various specificities bound to glutamic acid 50-tyrosine50 homopolymer (GT) and expressed pGAT cross-reactive idiotype (IdX), we studied the activation of clones producing multireactive antibodies in 1-mo-old MRL/lpr and C3H/HeJ mice bearing VHJ haplotype. The activation of such clones was studied after mice were immunized with GT in CFA, HP20 (an anti-Id MAb carrying the internal image of GT in the D region), and a synthetic peptide corresponding to the D segment of HP20. Our results indicate that immunized mice produced both GT- and self-reactive antibodies. Study of the immunochemical properties of MAb showed that they exhibit multispecific properties and bind with similar-affinity constants to GT or self-antigens such as DNA, Smith antigen (Sm), and IgG2a. An important fraction of antibodies obtained from MRL/lpr mice immunized with HP20 expressed pGAT IdX and some of these antibodies share IdX expressed on anti-DNA, Sm, and rheumatoid factor (RFs) antibodies. The hybridomas producing multispecific autoantibodies use heavy-chain- (VH) and light-chain-variable region (VK) genes from various V gene families, suggesting that they do not derive from the pool of GAT precursors. Sequencing of VH and VK genes of two antibodies show that they can use closely related VHJ558, unmutated VK1, or different VK genes than those used by anti-GT antibodies. Our data demonstrate that clones producing antibodies binding to GT and self-antigens with similar-affinity constants can be activated by foreign or anti-Id antibodies carrying the internal image of the antigen or even by a synthetic peptide corresponding to the D segment of anti-Id antibodies.
机译:因为我们在以前的工作中发现,大部分具有多种特异性的抗体都与谷氨酸50-酪氨酸50均聚物(GT)结合并表达了pGAT交叉反应型(IdX),所以我们研究了在1-mo中产生多反应性抗体的克隆的激活携带VHJ单倍型的MRL / lpr和C3H / HeJ小鼠。在CFA中的GT,HP20(在D区带有GT内部图像的抗ID MAb)和对应于HP20 D片段的合成肽免疫小鼠后,研究了此类克隆的激活。我们的结果表明,免疫的小鼠会产生GT和自身反应性抗体。对MAb免疫化学特性的研究表明,它们具有多特异性,并以相似的亲和常数与GT或自身抗原(例如DNA,Smith抗原(Sm)和IgG2a)结合。从用HP20免疫的MRL / lpr小鼠获得的抗体的重要部分表达了pGAT IdX,其中一些抗体共享在抗DNA,Sm和类风湿因子(RFs)抗体上表达的IdX。产生多特异性自身抗体的杂交瘤使用来自各种V基因家族的重链(VH)和轻链可变区(VK)基因,表明它们并非源自GAT前体库。两种抗体的VH和VK基因测序表明,它们可以使用紧密相关的VHJ558,未突变的VK1或与抗GT抗体使用的VK基因不同的VK基因。我们的数据表明,产生具有与GT和自身抗原具有相似亲和力常数结合的抗体的克隆可以被带有抗原内部图像的外源或抗Id抗体激活,甚至可以被对应于抗D链D段的合成肽激活。 Id抗体。



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