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Increased extreme hourly precipitation over China’s rice paddies from 1961 to 2012




Extreme precipitation indices by rice type and growth period in 1961–2012. ( ) Frequency of extreme precipitation; ( ) intensity of extreme precipitation; ( ) proportion of extreme precipitation; ( ) maximum hourly precipitation, note that the value during whole rice growing season differs with the maximum of those in 4 growth periods because the time of maximum precipitation event differs by year and site. Period 1 represents the stage from transplanting to tillering, period 2 for the stage from the end of tillering to the end of flowering, period 3 for the stage from the end of flowering to doughty, and period 4 for the stage from maturity to harvesting. Error bar indicates one standard deviation of extreme precipitation indices due to spatial variation. Different letters indicate there were significant differences between growing periods at the 5% level. Figures were generated in R version 3.6.0 ( ) .
机译:1961–2012年按水稻类型和生长期划分的极端降水指数。 ()极端降水的频率; ()极端降水的强度; ()极端降水的比例; ()最大小时降水量,请注意,整个水稻生长期的值与四个生育期的最大值不同,因为最大降水事件的时间因年份和地点而异。阶段1表示从移栽到分er的阶段,阶段2表示从分er结束到开花结束的阶段,阶段3表示从开花结束到生面团的阶段,阶段4表示从成熟到收获的阶段。误差线表示由于空间变化而导致的极端降水指数的一个标准偏差。不同的字母表示在5%水平的生长期之间存在显着差异。数字是在R版本3.6.0()中生成的。



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