首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection >A novel programed frameshift expresses the POL3 gene of retrotransposon Ty3 of yeast: Frameshifting without tRNA slippage

A novel programed frameshift expresses the POL3 gene of retrotransposon Ty3 of yeast: Frameshifting without tRNA slippage




Most retroviruses and retrotransposons express their gene as a translational fusion to the upstream gene, often involving translational frameshifting. We describe here an unusual translational frameshift event occurring between the and genes of the retrotransposon Ty3 of yeast. A +1 frameshift occurs within the sequence GCG AGU U (shown as codons of ), encoding alanine-valine (GCG A GUU). Unlike other programed translational frameshifts described, this event does not require tRNA slippage between cognate or near-cognate codons in the mRNA. Two features distal to the GCG codon stimulate frameshifting. The low availability of the tRNA specific for the “hungry” serine codon, AGU, induces a translational pause required for frameshifting. A sequence of 12 nt distal to the AGU codon (termed the Ty3. “context”) also stimulates the event.
机译:大多数逆转录病毒和逆转座子将它们的基因表达为与上游基因的翻译融合体,通常涉及翻译移码。我们在这里描述了酵母的反转录转座子Ty3和基因之间发生的异常翻译移码事件。 +1移码发生在序列GCG AGU U(显示为的密码子)内,编码丙氨酸-缬氨酸(GCG A GUU)。与描述的其他程序翻译平移不同,此事件不需要在mRNA中同源或近同源密码子之间进行tRNA滑动。 GCG密码子远端的两个特征会刺激移码。特异于“饥饿”丝氨酸密码子AGU的tRNA的可用性低,引起移码所需的翻译暂停。在AGU密码子远端的12 nt序列(称为Ty3。“背景”)也刺激了该事件。



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