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Child nutritional status among births exceeding ideal family size in a high fertility population




Ideal family size (IFS) is measured in social surveys to indicate unmet need for contraception and impending shifts in fertility behaviour. Whether exceeding IFS affects parental behaviour in ways that result in lower investments in child nutrition, well‐being, and educational attainment is not known. This study examines parental IFS and the association between exceeding stated ideals and child nutritional status in a high‐fertility, high‐mortality population in the Bolivian Amazon. Height‐for‐age ‐scores, weight‐for‐age ‐scores, weight‐for‐height ‐scores, stunting, haemoglobin, and anaemia status in 638 children aged 0–5 years are predicted as a function of birth order in relation to parental IFS, adjusting for household characteristics and mother and child random effects. Children of birth orders above paternal IFS experience higher weight‐for‐age ‐scores when living further away from the market town of San Borja, consistent with underlying motivations for higher IFS and lower human capital investment in children in more remote areas (β = .009,  = .027). Overall, we find no statistical evidence that birth orders in excess of parental ideals are associated with compromised child nutrition below age 2, a period of intensive breastfeeding in this population. Despite a vulnerability to nutritional deficiencies postweaning for children age 2–5, there was no association between birth order in excess of parental ideals and lower nutritional status. Further studies examining this association at various stages of the fertility transition will elucidate whether reported ideal or optimal family sizes are flexible as trade‐offs between quality and quantity of children shift during the transition to lower fertility.
机译:在社会调查中对理想家庭规模(IFS)进行了测量,以表明未满足的避孕需求和即将发生的生育行为转变。尚不清楚是否超过IFS会影响父母的行为,从而导致对儿童营养,福祉和教育水平的投资减少。这项研究调查了玻利维亚亚马逊地区高生育率,高死亡率人群中父母的IFS以及超出既定理想与儿童营养状况之间的关系。预测638名0-5岁儿童的年龄,身高,体重,身高,贫血,血红蛋白和贫血状况与出生顺序有关父母IFS,针对家庭特征和母子随机影响进行调整。出生地点高于父亲IFS的孩子在离圣博尔哈集镇较远的地方生活时,其体重比得分更高,这与较高的IFS和对偏远地区儿童的人力资本投资较低的潜在动机相一致(β=。 009,= 0.027)。总体而言,我们没有统计证据表明,超出父母理想的出生顺序与2岁以下儿童营养不良有关,2岁以下儿童是该人群大量母乳喂养的时期。尽管2-5岁的儿童断奶后容易遭受营养不足的困扰,但超出父母理想的出生顺序与较低的营养状况之间没有关联。在生育力过渡的各个阶段进一步研究这种关联的研究将阐明,由于在过渡到较低生育力期间儿童的质量和数量之间的权衡取舍,报告的理想或最佳家庭规模是否灵活。



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