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Pest categorisation of Colletotrichum gossypii




The Panel on Plant Health performed a pest categorisation of , the fungal agent of anthracnose and ramulosis diseases of cotton, for the . The identity of the pest is well established and reliable methods exist for its detection/identification. The pest is present in most of the cotton‐growing areas worldwide, including Bulgaria and Romania in the . is listed as in Annex of Directive 2000/29/ and is not known to occur in Greece, which is a protected zone ( ). The only hosts are species, with and being the most susceptible. The pest could potentially enter the on cotton seeds originating in infested third countries or infested areas. Entry into by natural means from infested areas is possible, although there is uncertainty on the maximum distance the pest can travel by wind or insects. Bolls and unginned cotton are minor pathways of entry. Pest distribution and climate matching suggest that the pest could establish and spread in cotton‐producing areas of northern Greece. In the infested areas, the pest causes damping‐off, leaf/boll spotting, boll rot, witches’ broom symptoms and stunting resulting in yield and quality losses. It affects also the lint and seeds reducing fibres quality and seed germinability. It is expected that its introduction and spread in the would impact cotton yield and quality. The agricultural practices and control methods currently applied in Greece would not prevent pest establishment and spread. meets all the criteria assessed by for consideration as potential quarantine pest for the of Greece. The criteria for considering as a potential Union regulated non‐quarantine pest are also met since cotton seeds are the main means of spread.
机译:植物健康专门委员会对棉花进行了炭疽病和棉花菌病的真菌病原体的有害生物分类。有害生物的身份已得到充分确立,并且存在可靠的检测/鉴定方法。害虫存在于全球大多数棉花种植地区,包括该国的保加利亚和罗马尼亚。列于第2000/29 /号指令的附件中,并且在希腊这个保护区()中未知。唯一的寄主是物种,最易受感染。有害生物可能进入受感染第三国或受感染地区的棉籽上。尽管有害生物可以通过风或昆虫传播的最大距离尚不确定,但也可以通过自然手段从受害地区进入。棉铃和未轧花的棉花是次要进入途径。害虫分布和气候匹配表明,该害虫可能在希腊北部的棉花生产地区定殖并传播。在受感染的地区,该害虫会导致潮湿,叶片/铃虫斑点,铃虫腐烂,女巫的扫帚症状和发育迟缓,从而导致产量和质量下降。它还影响皮棉和种子,降低纤维质量和种子发芽率。预计其引入和传播将影响棉花的产量和质量。希腊目前采用的农业实践和控制方法不会阻止有害生物的建立和传播。符合评估为希腊潜在检疫性有害生物的所有评估标准。由于棉花种子是主要的传播手段,因此也符合考虑为潜在的受联盟管制的非检疫性有害生物的标准。


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