首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health >Social Relations Community Engagement and Potentials: A Qualitative Study Exploring Resident Engagement in a Community-Based Health Promotion Intervention in a Deprived Social Housing Area

Social Relations Community Engagement and Potentials: A Qualitative Study Exploring Resident Engagement in a Community-Based Health Promotion Intervention in a Deprived Social Housing Area




Emerging evidence points towards a lower quality of life, fragile social relations and suboptimal health behavior and status of residents living in social housing areas characterized by ethnic diversity and socioeconomic deprivation. Community-based health promotion interventions developed in collaboration with the target group and adjusted to the local context can affect the acceptance of and engagement in such interventions. However, few studies have investigated the potential of community-based interventions in deprived social housing areas. This study explores residents’ perspectives on engagement in a community-based health promotion intervention focusing on enhancing social relations. The study builds on qualitative methods including participant observations combined with pre- and post-intervention interviews with a selected group of residents ( = 9). Data were thematically analyzed with focuses on participation in an everyday life context, concepts of othering, and territorial stigmatization. Engagement in the intervention was motivated by the need to establish and enhance social relations, and to explore the world outside the housing area. However, barriers including cultural and language differences among residents, and competing contextual factors, challenged engagement. We conclude that participatory community-based interventions have a potential to enhance social relations in deprived social housing areas. However, adequate support and efforts to overcome the identified barriers are needed.
机译:越来越多的证据表明,生活在以种族多样性和社会经济剥夺为特征的社会住房地区的居民的生活质量降低,社会关系脆弱,健康行为欠佳。与目标群体合作制定并根据当地情况进行调整的基于社区的健康促进干预措施可能会影响对此类干预措施的接受和参与。但是,很少有研究调查在贫困的社会住房地区进行社区干预的潜力。这项研究探讨了居民对参与以社区为基础的健康促进干预措施的观点,这些干预措施的重点是加强社会关系。该研究建立在定性方法的基础上,包括参与者的观察以及干预前和干预后对选定居民群体(= 9)的访谈。对数据进行了主题分析,重点是在日常生活中的参与,其他概念和地域污名化。参与干预的动机是建立和加强社会关系,以及探索住房区以外的世界。但是,包括居民之间的文化和语言差异以及相互竞争的背景因素在内的障碍挑战了参与度。我们得出的结论是,基于社区的参与性干预措施有可能改善贫困社会住房地区的社会关系。但是,需要有足够的支持和努力来克服已确定的障碍。



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