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Prolonged maintenance of capsaicin-induced hyperalgesia by brief daily vibration stimuli




This study tests the hypothesis that central sensitization initiated by nociceptive input can be maintained by repeated brief innocuous peripheral inputs. Capsaicin was injected intradermally into the hind paw of adult rats. Three different types of daily cutaneous mechanical stimulations (vibration, soft brush, or pressure) were applied to the capsaicin-injected paw for a period of 2 weeks. Daily stimulation consisted of a 10-second stimulation repeated every 30 seconds for 30 minutes. Foot withdrawal thresholds to von Frey stimuli applied to the paw were measured once a day for 4 weeks. The capsaicin-only group (control rats without daily stimulation) showed hyperalgesia lasting for 3 days. In contrast, hyperalgesia persisted for 2 weeks in the group that received vibration stimulation. Neither the soft brush nor the pressure group showed a significant difference in mechanical threshold from the control group. The vibration-induced prolonged hyperalgesia was significantly reduced by systemic injection of ifenprodil, an NMDA-receptor antagonist, but it was not influenced by either an AMPA receptor blocker or a free radical scavenger. Furthermore, a dorsal column lesion did not interfere with the prolongation of hyperalgesia. Data suggest that vibration-induced prolongation of hyperalgesia is mediated by spinal NMDA receptors, and a similar mechanism may underlie some forms of chronic pain with no obvious causes, such as complex regional pain syndrome type 1 (CRPS-1).
机译:这项研究检验了以下假设:通过反复短暂的无害外周输入可以维持由伤害性输入引起的中枢敏化。将辣椒素皮内注射到成年大鼠的后爪中。每天将三种不同类型的皮肤机械刺激(振动,软刷或压力)施加到注射了辣椒素的爪上,持续2周。每日刺激包括每30秒重复一次10秒刺激,持续30分钟。每天一次测量对足爪施加von Frey刺激的退缩阈值,持续4周。仅辣椒素组(无每日刺激的对照大鼠)显示持续3天的痛觉过敏。相反,在接受振动刺激的组中,痛觉过敏持续了2周。软刷和压力组均未显示出与对照组相比机械阈值的显着差异。全身注射ifenprodil(一种NMDA受体拮抗剂)可显着减少振动引起的长时间痛觉过敏,但不受AMPA受体阻滞剂或自由基清除剂的影响。此外,背柱病变不干扰痛觉过敏的延长。数据表明,振动诱导的痛觉过敏的延长是由脊髓NMDA受体介导的,类似的机制可能是某些形式的慢性疼痛的根本原因,而没有明显的原因,例如1型复杂区域疼痛综合征(CRPS-1)。



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