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Bone biopsy derived marrow stromal elements rescue chronic lymphocytic leukemia B-cells from spontaneous and drug induced cell death and facilitates an angiogenic switch




A novel bone biopsy technique was used to generate a robust stromal cell system to study how stroma modulates CLL B-cell apoptosis and how the leukemic cell–stromal interaction influences secretion of vascular factors. Marrow stromal elements (MSE) rescued CLL B-cells from both spontaneous and drug induced apoptosis, partly due to soluble factors. When CLL B-cells were added to the MSE cultures, a dramatic increase in the secretion of basic fibroblast growth factor and decrease in the secretion of thrombospondin was observed. These results indicate the interaction between CLL B-cells and marrow stromal elements regulates angiogenic switching and may be linked to disease progression.
机译:一种新颖的骨活检技术被用来生成一个强大的基质细胞系统,以研究基质如何调节CLL B细胞凋亡以及白血病细胞-基质相互作用如何影响血管因子的分泌。骨髓基质元件(MSE)从自然和药物诱导的凋亡中拯救了CLL B细胞,部分原因是可溶性因子。当将CLL B细胞添加到MSE培养物中时,观察到碱性成纤维细胞生长因子的分泌急剧增加,血小板反应蛋白的分泌减少。这些结果表明CLL B细胞和骨髓基质元素之间的相互作用调节血管生成转换,并可能与疾病的进展有关。



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