首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>Journal of Clinical Microbiology >Antigenic characteristics of Borrelia burgdorferi isolates from ixodid ticks in California.

Antigenic characteristics of Borrelia burgdorferi isolates from ixodid ticks in California.




Twenty (1.4%) of 1,421 adult Ixodes pacificus ticks and 2 (20%) of 10 adult Ixodes neotomae ticks collected in five counties of northern California were found to contain spirochetes by direct immunofluorescence examination of their tissues with a polyvalent conjugate. Borreliae isolated from the tissues of nine of these ticks (I. pacificus, 8; I. neotomae, 1) were identified as Borrelia burgdorferi with specific monoclonal antibodies and characterized further by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and Western blot (immunoblot) analyses. The isolate from I. neotomae was the first to be characterized from a tick other than I. pacificus in western North America. All strains were relatively homogeneous with respect to the kind of OspA proteins they produced, whereas they were heterogeneous with regard to their OspB proteins and to several low-molecular-weight proteins in the 21,500-to-24,000 region. Significant phenotypic variation was observed among isolates obtained within and between populations of I. pacificus. This investigation nearly doubles the number of isolates of B. burgdorferi that have been characterized from ixodid ticks in the far western United States.
机译:通过用多价结合物对它们的组织进行直接免疫荧光检查,发现在加利福尼亚州北部五个县收集的1,421个成年的美洲小x中有20个(1.4%)和10个成年的大新I中有2个(20%)含有螺旋体。从这些壁虱的九个((I. pacificus,8; I. neotomae,1)的组织中分离出的疏螺旋体被鉴定为带有特异单克隆抗体的疏螺旋体,并通过聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳和Western blot(免疫印迹)分析对其进行了表征。来自北美新菌的分离株是第一个以北美tick以外的characterized为特征的菌株。就其产生的OspA蛋白质的种类而言,所有菌株相对均一,而就其OspB蛋白质和21,500至24,000区域中的几种低分子量蛋白质而言,它们是异质的。在太平洋I.种群之间和种群之间获得的分离株中观察到显着的表型变异。这项调查将美国西部地区以odi虫为特征的伯氏疏螺旋体分离株的数量几乎增加了一倍。



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