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Chronic cigarette smoking and heavy drinking in human immunodeficiency virus: consequences for neurocognition and brain morphology




Alcohol use disorders (AUD) and chronic cigarette smoking are common among individuals with human immunodeficiency virus infection (HIV). Concurrent AUD in HIV is related to greater abnormalities in brain morphology and neurocognition than either condition alone. However, the potential influence of chronic smoking on brain morphology and neurocognition in those concurrently afflicted with AUD and HIV has not been examined. The goal of this retrospective analysis was to determine if chronic smoking affected neurocognition and brain morphology in a subsample of HIV-positive non–treatment-seeking heavy drinking participants (HD+) from our earlier work. Regional volumetric and neurocognitive comparisons were made among age-equivalent smoking HD+(n = 17), nonsmoking HD+(n = 27), and nonsmoking HIV-negative light drinking controls (n = 27) obtained from our original larger sample. Comprehensive neuropsychological assessment evaluated multiple neurocognitive domains of functioning and for potential psychiatric comorbidities. Quantitative volumetric measures of neocortical gray matter (GM), white matter (WM), subcortical structures, and sulcal and ventricular cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) were derived from high-resolution magnetic resonance images. The main findings were (1) smoking HD+ performed significantly worse than nonsmoking HD+ on measures of auditory-verbal (AV) learning, AV memory, and cognitive efficiency; (2) relative to controls, smoking HD+ demonstrated significantly lower neocortical GM volumes in all lobes except the occipital lobe, while nonsmoking HD+ showed only lower frontal GM volume compared with controls; (3) in the HD+ group, regional brain volumes and neurocognition were not influenced by viremia, highly active antiretroviral treatment, or Center for Disease Control symptom status, and no interactions were apparent with these variables or smoking status. Overall, the findings suggested that the direct and/or indirect effects of chronic cigarette smoking created an additional burden on the integrity of brain neurobiology and neurocognition in this cohort of HIV-positive heavy drinkers.
机译:患有人类免疫缺陷病毒感染(HIV)的人常见饮酒障碍(AUD)和长期吸烟。与单独使用这两种疾病相比,HIV并发的AUD与大脑形态和神经认知方面的异常更大有关。但是,尚未研究长期吸烟对同时患有AUD和HIV的人的大脑形态和神经认知的潜在影响。这项回顾性分析的目的是从我们早期的研究中确定长期吸烟是否会影响HIV阳性非治疗性重度饮酒参与者(HD +)子样本中的神经认知和脑形态。从我们最初的较大样本中获得的年龄等效吸烟HD +(n = 17),非吸烟HD +(n = 27)和非吸烟HIV阴性的轻度饮酒对照组(n = 27)之间进行了区域容量和神经认知比较。全面的神经心理学评估评估了功能和潜在精神病合并症的多个神经认知域。新皮质灰质(GM),白质(WM),皮层下结构以及脑和脑室脑脊髓液(CSF)的定量体积测量均来自高分辨率磁共振图像。主要发现是:(1)吸烟HD +在听觉(AV)学习,AV记忆和认知效率的测量上显着低于不吸烟HD +; (2)与对照组相比,吸烟HD +在除枕叶以外的所有肺叶中均显示出较低的新皮层GM量,而不吸烟HD +与对照组相比仅具有较低的额叶GM量。 (3)在HD +组中,区域性脑容量和神经认知不受病毒血症,高效抗逆转录病毒治疗或疾病控制中心症状状态的影响,并且与这些变量或吸烟状态之间没有明显的相互作用。总体而言,研究结果表明,长期吸烟的直接和/或间接影响为这一人群中HIV阳性的酗酒者增加了大脑神经生物学和神经认知完整性的额外负担。



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