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Neurotrophins and electrical stimulation for protection and repair of spiral ganglion neurons following sensorineural hearing loss




Exogenous neurotrophins (NTs) have been shown to rescue spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) from degeneration following a sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). Furthermore, chronic electrical stimulation (ES) has been shown to retard SGN degeneration in some studies but not others. Since there is evidence of even greater SGN rescue when NT administration is combined with ES, we examined whether chronic ES can maintain SGN survival long after cessation of NT delivery. Young adult guinea pigs were profoundly deafened using ototoxic drugs; five days later they were unilaterally implanted with an electrode array and drug delivery system. Brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) was continuously delivered to the scala tympani over a four week period while the animal simultaneously received ES via bipolar electrodes in the basal turn (i.e. turn 1) scala tympani. One cohort (n=5) received ES for six weeks (i.e. including a two week period after the cessation of BDNF delivery; ES6); a second cohort (n=5) received ES for 10 weeks (i.e. a six week period following cessation of BDNF delivery; ES10). The cochleae were harvested for histology and SGN density determined for each cochlear turn for comparison with normal hearing controls (n=4). The withdrawal of BDNF resulted in a rapid loss of SGNs in turns 2–4 of the deafened/BDNF-treated cochleae; this was significant as early as two weeks following removal of the NT when compared with normal controls (p<0.05). Importantly, there was not a significant reduction in SGNs in turn 1 (i.e. adjacent to the electrode array) two and six weeks after NT removal, as compared with normal controls. This result suggests that chronic ES can prevent the rapid loss of SGNs that occurs after the withdrawal of exogenous NTs. Implications for the clinical delivery of NTs are discussed.
机译:外源性神经营养蛋白(NTs)已显示可挽救螺旋神经节神经元(SGNs),使其在感觉神经性听力损失(SNHL)后发生变性。此外,在某些研究中,慢性电刺激(ES)已显示出可延缓SGN变性,但在其他研究中却没有。由于有证据表明,NT给药与ES联合使用时,可以进一步挽救SGN,因此我们研究了慢性ES是否可以在NT停止给药后长期维持SGN生存。成年豚鼠使用耳毒性药物彻底聋。五天后,将它们单侧植入电极阵列和药物输送系统。在四个星期内将脑源性神经营养因子(BDNF)连续输送到鼓ala,同时动物在基底转弯(即转弯1)通过双极电极同时接受ES。一个队列(n = 5)接受了为期6周的ES(即包括停止BDNF分娩后的2周; ES6);第二个队列(n = 5)接受ES治疗10周(即停止BDNF分娩后的6周; ES10)。收获耳蜗的组织学特征,并确定每个耳蜗转弯时的SGN密度,以与正常听觉对照(n = 4)进行比较。 BDNF的撤除导致耳聋/ BDNF处理的耳蜗的2-4轮中SGN迅速丧失;与正常对照组相比,这一现象最早在去除NT后两周就很明显(p <0.05)。重要的是,与正常对照组相比,NT去除后第2和第6周的第1轮(即与电极阵列相邻)的SGN没有明显减少。该结果表明,慢性ES可以防止外源NT撤离后SGN的快速丧失。讨论了NT的临床交付意义。



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