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Mother and Adolescent Reports of Interparental Discord among Parents of Adolescents with and without Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder




Evidence is scarce regarding the prevalence of interparental discord in families of adolescents with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Using data collected from adolescents with childhood ADHD and comorbid oppositional-defiant disorder (ODD; n = 46) or conduct disorder (CD; n =23), with childhood ADHD-only (n = 26), and without ADHD (n = 88), and their mothers, maternal and adolescent reports of interparental discord were compared. Adolescents with ADHD+CD reported witnessing more frequent and unresolved interparental conflict than adolescents without ADHD and with ADHD-Only. Adolescents with ADHD+CD also indicated more frequent conflict than adolescents with ADHD+ODD. However, differences in conflict resolution were nonsignificant when household income was covaried and maternal ratings of interparental discord did not differ across groups. Findings highlight the potential utility of adolescents with ADHD as informants of interparental relationship quality.
机译:缺乏注意力缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)的青少年家庭中父母间不和谐的发生率的证据很少。使用从儿童多动症和共患对立违抗性疾病(ODD; n = 46)或品行障碍(CD; n = 23),仅患有儿童ADHD(n = 26)和没有ADHD(n = 88)的青少年中收集的数据),以及他们的母亲,父母之间父母间不和谐的孕妇和青少年的报告进行了比较。与没有ADHD和仅具有ADHD的青少年相比,具有ADHD + CD的青少年报告的父母间冲突更为频繁且尚未解决。与ADHD + ODD青少年相比,ADHD + CD青少年也显示出更频繁的冲突。但是,当家庭收入协变量且父母对父母之间的不和谐程度在各组之间没有差异时,解决冲突的差异并不显着。研究结果突显了多动症青少年作为父母亲关系质量告知者的潜在效用。



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