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Ontogeny of Androgen Receptor Expression in the Ovine Fetal Central Nervous System and Pituitary




In fetal sheep, circulating androgens influence fetal stress responsiveness and timing of parturition. Nevertheless, little is known about the presence and development of androgen receptors in the fetal brain. The present study was undertaken to test the hypothesis that expression of androgen receptor occurs in fetal brain and pituitary, and that the abundance of the AR is ontogenetically regulated. We isolated mRNA from pituitary, hypothalamus, hippocampus, and brainstem in fetal sheep that were 80, 100, 120, 130, 145 days gestation, and 1 and 7 days postnatal (n=4–5/group). Using real-time RT-PCR, we measured mRNA expression levels of the receptor in these brain regions and pituitary. In a separate study, we isolated protein from the same brain regions in fetal sheep that were 80 (n=3), 120 (n=4), and 145 (n=4) days. AR mRNA expression in hypothalamus increased in late gestation, starting at 145 days, and increasing progressively after birth. A trend of increasing AR protein in hypothalamus was not significant. AR mRNA expression in pituitary was elevated after 80 days gestation, but with no further increases or decreases in late gestation, while AR protein increased significantly at the end of gestation. In hippocampus and brainstem AR mRNA was constant throughout the latter half of gestation, and AR protein was below the sensitivity of our western blot assay. We conclude that the fetal brain and pituitary are target sites for circulating androgens or androgen precursors in fetal plasma, and we speculate that the increase in hypothalamic action of androgens immediately prior to birth might be integral to the timing of parturition.
机译:在胎儿绵羊中,循环中的雄激素会影响胎儿的应激反应和分娩时机。然而,对于胎儿脑中雄激素受体的存在和发展知之甚少。进行本研究以检验以下假设:在胎儿脑和垂体中出现雄激素受体的表达,并且AR的丰度在个体发育上受到调节。我们从胎龄分别为80、100、120、130、145天,以及出生后1和7天的胎羊的垂体,下丘脑,海马和脑干中分离出mRNA(n = 4-5 /组)。使用实时RT-PCR,我们测量了这些脑区域和垂体中受体的mRNA表达水平。在另一项研究中,我们从胎羊的相同大脑区域分离了80天(n = 3),120天(n = 4)和145天(n = 4)天的蛋白质。下丘脑的AR mRNA表达在妊娠后期(从145天开始)增加,并在出生后逐渐增加。下丘脑中AR蛋白增加的趋势并不明显。妊娠80天后垂体AR mRNA的表达升高,但在妊娠后期没有进一步的增加或减少,而AR蛋白在妊娠末期显着增加。在海马和脑干中,AR mRNA在妊娠的后半段保持恒定,并且AR蛋白低于我们的Western blot分析的敏感性。我们得出的结论是,胎儿大脑和垂体是胎儿血浆中循环雄激素或雄激素前体的靶位,并且我们推测,刚出生前雄激素的下丘脑作用增加可能是分娩时机的组成部分。



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