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A protocol to count Cryptosporidium oocysts by flow cytometry without antibody staining




Cryptosporidiosis caused by the protozoan parasites Cryptosporidium hominis and C. parvum, threatens the lives of young children in developing countries. In veterinary medicine, C. parvum causes life-threatening diarrhea and dehydration in newborn dairy calves. Protocols to detect Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts using flow cytometry have been reported; however, these protocols use antibodies against the parasite and typically focus on detection of oocysts, not quantification. These techniques are not well-suited for studies that generate large variations in oocyst burdens because the amount of antibody required is proportional to the number of oocysts expected in samples. Also, oocysts are lost in washes in the staining protocol, reducing accuracy of oocyst counts. Moreover, these protocols require costly fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies and are not optimal for studies involving large numbers of samples. Here we present an optimized protocol for purifying oocysts from mouse stool and intestine samples combined with a reliable method to quantify oocysts in a relatively pure population without the need for antibody staining. We used morphology (SSC-A vs FSC-A) and the innate characteristics of C. parvum oocysts compared to fecal and intestinal contaminants to develop a two-step gating strategy that can differentiate oocysts from debris. This method is a fast, reliable, and high-throughput technique to promote research projects on C. parvum infections in mice and potentially other animal hosts.
机译:由原生动物寄生虫Cryptosporidium hominis和C. parvum引起的隐孢子虫病,威胁着发展中国家幼儿的生命。在兽药中,小球藻引起新生乳牛犊的致命性腹泻和脱水。用于检测隐孢子虫属物种的协议。已经报道了使用流式细胞术的卵囊。然而,这些协议使用针对寄生虫的抗体,通常专注于卵囊的检测,而不是定量。这些技术不适用于在卵囊负担中产生较大变化的研究,因为所需抗体量与样品中预期的卵囊数量成正比。同样,在染色方案中,卵囊在洗涤过程中丢失,从而降低了卵囊计数的准确性。而且,这些方案需要昂贵的荧光染料偶联的单克隆抗体,对于涉及大量样品的研究并非最佳方案。在这里,我们提出了一种从小鼠粪便和肠样品中纯化卵囊的优化方案,并结合了一种可靠的方法来量化相对纯群体中的卵囊,而无需进行抗体染色。我们使用形态学(SSC-A与FSC-A)以及小肠隐孢子虫卵囊与粪便和肠道污染物相比的先天特征,开发出了两步门控策略,可以区分卵囊与碎片。此方法是一种快速,可靠且高通量的技术,可促进有关小鼠和潜在其他动物宿主中小隐孢子虫感染的研究项目。



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