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Agreement on Reporting of Physical Psychological and Sexual Violence Among White Black and Hispanic Couples in the U.S.




This paper examines agreement on reports of male-to-female (MFPV) and female-to-male (FMPV) psychological, physical and sexual violence among White, Black and Hispanic couples in the U.S. Using a probability sample, separate face-to-face interviews were conducted in respondents’ homes with both members of 1,025 intact couples living in the 48 contiguous states. The overall survey response rate was 72%. Results indicate that agreement on each of the three types of violence is low, independent of perpetrator’s gender and ethnicity. Kappa coefficients of agreement ranged from .07 to .48. Higher agreement is obtained for psychological violence, followed by physical and sexual violence. Depending on the type of violence, between 30% (psychological aggression) and 90% (sexual coercion) of events would not have been identified if identification required agreement between partners. Logistic analysis shows that the severity of violence is the only variable that increases the likelihood of agreement across the three types of violence.
机译:本文探讨了在美国白人,黑人和西班牙裔夫妇中男性对女性(MFPV)和女性对男性(FMPV)的心理,身体和性暴力的报道是否达成共识。面对面访问是在受访者的家中与生活在48个毗邻州的1,025例完好无损的夫妻双方进行的。总体调查答复率为72%。结果表明,与施暴者的性别和种族无关,对三种暴力中的每一种暴力行为的共识都很低。 Kappa一致性系数介于.07至.48之间。对于心理暴力,其次是身体暴力和性暴力,人们达成了更高的共识。根据暴力类型的不同,如果识别需要合作伙伴之间的同意,则不会识别出30%(心理攻击)至90%(性胁迫)之间的事件。逻辑分析表明,暴力的严重性是唯一可以增加三种暴力类型达成协议的可能性的变量。



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