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Working with Zika and Usutu Viruses In Vitro




Usutu (USUV) and Zika (ZIKV) viruses are emerging arboviruses of significant medical and veterinary importance. These viruses have not been studied as well as other medically important arboviruses such as West Nile (WNV), dengue (DENV), or chikungunya (CHIKV) viruses. As such, information regarding the behavior of ZIKV and USUV viruses in the laboratory is dated. Usutu virus re-emerged in Austria in 2001 and has since spread throughout the European and Asian continents causing significant mortality among birds. Zika virus has recently appeared in the Western Hemisphere and has exhibited high rates of birth defects and sexual transmission. Information about the characteristics of USUV and ZIKV viruses are needed to better understand the transmission, dispersal, and adaptation of these viruses in new environments. Since their initial characterization in the middle of last century, technologies and reagents have been developed that could enhance our abilities to study these pathogens. Currently, standard laboratory methods for these viruses are limited to 2–3 cell lines and many assays take several days to generate meaningful data. The goal of this study was to characterize these viruses in cells from multiple diverse species. Cell lines from 17 species were permissive to both ZIKV and USUV. These viruses were able to replicate to significant titers in most of the cell lines tested. Moreover, cytopathic effects were observed in 8 of the cell lines tested. These data indicate that a variety of cell lines can be used to study ZIKV and USUV infection and may provide an updated foundation for the study of host-pathogen interactions, model development, and the development of therapeutics.
机译:Usutu(USUV)和Zika(ZIKV)病毒是新兴的虫媒病毒,具有重要的医学和兽医意义。尚未对这些病毒以及其他医学上重要的虫媒病毒(例如西尼罗河(WNV),登革热(DENV)或基孔肯雅(CHIKV)病毒)进行研究。因此,有关ZIKV和USUV病毒在实验室中行为的信息已过时。 Usutu病毒于2001年在奥地利重新出现,此后传播到整个欧洲和亚洲大陆,导致鸟类死亡。寨卡病毒最近出现在西半球,并显示出高的先天缺陷和性传播率。需要有关USUV和ZIKV病毒特征的信息,以更好地了解这些病毒在新环境中的传播,传播和适应。自上世纪中叶开始对它们进行表征以来,已经开发出可以增强我们研究这些病原体能力的技术和试剂。目前,针对这些病毒的标准实验室方法仅限于2-3种细胞系,许多分析需要几天才能生成有意义的数据。这项研究的目的是鉴定来自多种物种的细胞中的这些病毒。 ZIKV和USUV都允许来自17种物种的细胞系。这些病毒能够在大多数测试的细胞系中复制至明显的效价。此外,在8个测试的细胞系中观察到了细胞病变作用。这些数据表明,多种细胞系可用于研究ZIKV和USUV感染,并可为研究宿主-病原体相互作用,模型开发和治疗方法的开发提供更新的基础。



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