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Using physical contact heterogeneity and frequency to characterize dynamics of human exposure to nonhuman primate bodily fluids in central Africa




Emerging infectious diseases of zoonotic origin constitute a recurrent threat to global health. Nonhuman primates (NHPs) occupy an important place in zoonotic spillovers (pathogenic transmissions from animals to humans), serving as reservoirs or amplifiers of multiple neglected tropical diseases, including viral hemorrhagic fevers and arboviruses, parasites and bacteria, as well as retroviruses (simian foamy virus, PTLV) that are pathogenic in human beings. Hunting and butchering studies in Africa characterize at-risk human social groups, but overlook critical factors of contact heterogeneity and frequency, NHP species differences, and meat processing practices. In southeastern Cameroon, a region with a history of zoonotic emergence and high risk of future spillovers, we conducted a novel mixed-method field study of human physical exposure to multiple NHP species, incorporating participant-based and ecological methodologies, and qualitative interviews (n = 25). We find frequent physical contact across adult human populations, greater physical contact with monkeys than apes, especially for meat handling practices, and positive correlation of human exposure with NHP species abundance and proximity to human settlement. These fine-grained results encourage reconsideration of the likely dynamics of human-NHP contact in past and future NTD emergence events. Multidisciplinary social science and ecological approaches should be mobilized to generate more effective human and animal surveillance and risk communications around neglected tropical diseases. At a moment when the WHO has included “Disease X”, a presumably zoonotic pathogen with pandemic potential, on its list of blueprint priority diseases as, new field-based tools for investigating zoonotic disease emergence, both known and unknown, are of critical importance.
机译:人畜共患病的新发传染病对全球健康构成了反复威胁。非人类灵长类动物(NHPs)在人畜共患病的外溢(从动物到人类的致病性传播)中占有重要地位,是多种被忽视的热带病(包括病毒性出血热和虫媒病毒,寄生虫和细菌以及逆转录病毒(猿猴泡沫状)的蓄积者或繁殖者)。对人类有致病性的病毒(PTLV)。非洲的狩猎和屠宰研究是高危人类社会群体的特征,但忽略了接触异质性和频率,NHP物种差异以及肉类加工实践的关键因素。在喀麦隆东南部,这个地区具有人畜共患病的历史,并且存在未来溢出的高风险,我们结合了基于参与者和生态学的方法,并进行了定性访谈(n = 25)。我们发现成年人之间经常进行身体接触,与猴子的接触比猿更多,特别是在肉类处理方面,以及人类接触与NHP物种丰富度和接近人类居住的正相关性。这些细粒度的结果鼓励重新考虑在过去和未来的NTD发生事件中人与NHP接触的可能动力学。应动员多学科的社会科学和生态学方法,以围绕被忽视的热带病开展更有效的人畜监测和风险交流。在世卫组织将“可能发生的人畜共患病的病原体”“疾病X”列入其蓝图优先疾病清单的时刻,作为已知和未知的新的基于现场调查人畜共患病的新工具至关重要。



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