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Robust behavioral effects of song playback in the absence of testosterone or corticosterone release




Some species of songbirds elevate testosterone in response to territorial intrusions while others do not. The search for a general explanation for this interspecific variation in hormonal response to social challenges has been impeded by methodological differences among studies. We asked whether song playback alone is sufficient to bring about elevation in testosterone or corticosterone in the dark-eyed junco (Junco hyemalis), a species that has previously demonstrated significant testosterone elevation in response to a simulated territorial intrusion when song was accompanied by a live decoy. We studied two populations of juncos that differ in length of breeding season (6–8 v. 14–16 weeks), and conducted playbacks of high amplitude, long-range song. In one population, we also played low amplitude, short-range song, a highly potent elicitor of aggression in juncos and many songbirds. We observed strong aggressive responses to both types of song, but no detectable elevation of plasma testosterone or corticosterone in either population. We also measured rise in corticosterone in response to handling post-playback, and found full capacity to elevate corticosterone but no effect of song class (long-range or short-range) on elevation. Collectively, our data suggest that males can mount an aggressive response to playback without a change in testosterone or corticosterone, despite the ability to alter these hormones during other types of social interactions. We discuss the observed decoupling of circulating hormones and aggression in relation to mechanisms of behavior and the cues that may activate the HPA and HPG axes.
机译:某些鸣禽会根据领土入侵而升高睾丸激素,而其他物种则不会。研究之间的方法学差异阻碍了对激素对社会挑战反应的种间差异的一般性解释的寻求。我们问了单独播放歌曲是否足以使黑眼jun(Junco hyemalis)的睾丸激素或皮质酮升高,该物种以前在歌曲伴随有生命的情况下响应模拟的领土入侵而表现出明显的睾丸激素升高诱饵。我们研究了两个种群的不同繁殖期(6-8个v。14-16个星期)不同的juncos,并进行了高振幅,长距离歌曲的播放。在一个种群中,我们还播放了低振幅,短距离的歌曲,这是一种对juncos和许多鸣禽的侵略性极强的诱因。我们观察到对这两种类型的歌曲都有强烈的攻击性反应,但是在任何一个人群中血浆睾丸激素或皮质酮均未检测到升高。我们还测量了响应处理回放后皮质酮的升高,并发现了完全升高皮质酮的能力,但歌曲级别(长距离或短距离)对高程没有影响。总体而言,我们的数据表明,尽管在其他类型的社交互动中能够改变这些激素,但雄性仍可以对回放做出积极反应,而不会改变睾丸激素或皮质酮。我们讨论了与行为机制和可能激活HPA和HPG轴的提示有关的循环荷尔蒙与攻击的解耦。



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