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Ontogeny of Methamphetamine- and Cocaine-Induced One-Trial Behavioral Sensitization in Preweanling and Adolescent Rats




The ontogenetic profile of psychostimulant-induced one-trial behavioral sensitization has not been determined. The purpose of this study was to systematically assess the ontogeny of methamphetamine- and cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization across the preweanling and adolescent periods. To this end, rats were injected with methamphetamine, cocaine, or saline in either an activity chamber or home cage during the preweanling (PD 12, PD 16, or PD 20), preadolescent (PD 24), or adolescent (PD 34) periods. One day later, rats were challenged with the same psychostimulant and locomotion was measured in an activity chamber. Results showed that methamphetamine produced one-trial locomotor sensitization on PD 13 and PD 17; whereas, cocaine-induced behavioral sensitization was only evident on PD 21. The sensitized responding of preweanling rats was not influenced by environmental context. Interestingly, preadolescent and adolescent rats did not exhibit locomotor sensitization. The latter result is generally consistent with past studies showing that rats from the middle and late adolescent periods do not exhibit cocaine-induced one-trial behavioral sensitization. The present results show that methamphetamine, as well as cocaine, can produce one-trial context-independent behavioral sensitization during early ontogeny, but sensitized responding is only apparent within a narrow developmental window.
机译:尚未确定精神兴奋剂诱导的一审行为敏化的个体发育概况。这项研究的目的是系统地评估甲基苯丙胺和可卡因引起的在断奶前和青春期的行为敏感性的个体发育。为此,在断奶前(PD 12,PD 16或PD 20),青春期前(PD 24)或青春期(PD 34)期间,在活动室或家庭笼中向大鼠注射了甲基苯丙胺,可卡因或盐水。一天后,用相同的精神刺激剂攻击大鼠,并在活动室内测量运动。结果表明,甲基苯丙胺在PD 13和PD 17上产生了一次试验性的运动致敏作用。然而,可卡因诱导的行为致敏作用仅在PD 21上可见。断奶前大鼠的致敏反应不受环境的影响。有趣的是,青春期前和青春期大鼠未表现出运动敏化。后者的结果通常与以往的研究一致,该研究表明青春期中期和晚期的大鼠没有表现出可卡因诱导的一次试验性行为敏化。目前的结果表明,甲基苯丙胺,以及可卡因,可以在个体发育的早期阶段产生一种与情景无关的行为敏化,但是敏化的应答仅在狭窄的发育窗口内才明显。



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