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Contributions of recent and past sexual partnerships on incident human papillomavirus detection: acquisition and reactivation in older women




Understanding the fraction of newly detected human papillomavirus (HPV) infections due to acquisition and reactivation has important implications on screening strategies and prevention of HPV-associated neoplasia. Information on sexual activity and cervical samples for HPV DNA detection using Roche Linear Array were collected semi-annually for two years from 700 women age 35–60 years. Incidence and potential fraction of HPV infections associated with new and lifetime sexual partnerships were estimated using Poisson models. Cox frailty models were used to estimate hazard ratios (HR) for potential risk factors of incident HPV detection. Recent and lifetime numbers of sexual partners were both strongly associated with incident HPV detection. However, only 13% of incident detections were attributed to new sexual partners whereas 72% were attributed to ≥5 lifetime sexual partners. Furthermore, 155 out of 183 (85%) incident HPV detections occurred during periods of sexual abstinence or monogamy, and were strongly associated with cumulative lifetime sexual exposure (HR: 4.1, 95% CI: 2.0, 8.4). This association increased with increasing age. These data challenge the 20 paradigm that incident HPV detection is driven by current sexual behavior and new viral acquisition in older women. Our observation that most incident HPV infection was attributable to past, not current, sexual behavior at older ages supports a natural history model of viral latency and reactivation. As the highly exposed baby-boomer generation of women with sexual debut after the sexual revolution transition to menopause, the implications of HPV reactivation at older ages on cervical cancer risk and screening recommendations should be carefully evaluated.
机译:了解由于获取和重新激活而新检测到的人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)感染的比例,对筛查策略和预防HPV相关瘤形成具有重要意义。使用Roche Linear Array检测HPV DNA的性活动和宫颈样本的信息,每两年一次,从700名35-60岁的女性中每两年收集一次。使用Poisson模型估算了与新的和终生性伴侣关系相关的HPV感染的发生率和潜在分数。使用Cox脆弱模型估计HPV事件检测的潜在危险因素的危险比(HR)。最近和一生中性伴侣的数量均与HPV事件的发生密切相关。但是,只有13%的事件检测结果归因于新的性伴侣,而72%的归因于≥5个终生性伴侣。此外,在183次(85%)的HPV事件中,有155次发生在性禁欲或一夫一妻制期间,并且与一生的性生活暴露量密切相关(HR:4.1,95%CI:2.0,8.4)。这种关联随着年龄的增长而增加。这些数据挑战了20种范式,即HPV事件检测是由老年女性当前的性行为和新的病毒获取驱动的。我们的观察表明,大多数HPV感染事件是由于过去而不是当前的老年性行为引起的,这支持了病毒潜伏期和再激活的自然历史模型。在性革命过渡到更年期后,随着性行为初次登台的女性婴儿潮一代的暴露程度很高,应谨慎评估年龄较大的人乳头瘤病毒再激活对宫颈癌风险的影响和筛查建议。



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