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Criminal Justice Involvement Trauma and Negative Affect in Iraq and Afghanistan War Era Veterans




Although criminal behavior in veterans has been cited as a growing problem, little is known about why some veterans are at increased risk for arrest. Theories of criminal behavior postulate that people who have been exposed to stressful environments or traumatic events and who report negative affect such as anger and irritability are at increased risk of antisocial conduct. We thus hypothesized that veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or traumatic brain injury (TBI) who report anger/irritability would show higher rates of criminal arrests. To test this, we examined data in a national survey of N=1388 Iraq and Afghanistan War Era Veterans. We found that 9% of respondents reported arrests since returning home from military service. Most arrests were associated with nonviolent criminal behavior resulting in incarceration for less than two weeks. Unadjusted bivariate analyses revealed that veterans with probable PTSD or TBI who reported anger/irritability were most likely to be arrested. In multivariate analyses, arrests were found to be significantly related to younger age, male gender, having witnessed family violence, prior history of arrest, alcohol/drug misuse, and PTSD with high anger/irritability but were not significantly related to combat exposure or TBI. Findings show that a subset of veterans with PTSD and negative affect may be at increased risk of criminal arrest. Since arrests are more strongly linked to substance abuse and criminal history, clinicians should also consider non-PTSD factors when evaluating and treating veterans with criminal justice involvement.
机译:尽管已将退伍军人的犯罪行为作为一个日益严重的问题,但对于为什么一些退伍军人被捕的风险却鲜为人知。犯罪行为理论假设,暴露于压力环境或创伤事件中并报告了诸如愤怒和易怒之类的负面影响的人处于反社会行为的风险增加。因此,我们假设患有创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)或外伤性脑损伤(TBI)且报告愤怒/烦躁不安的退伍军人的犯罪率会更高。为了验证这一点,我们检查了N = 1388伊拉克和阿富汗战争时代退伍军人的全国调查中的数据。我们发现,有9%的被调查者自从兵役返回家园后就被捕。大多数逮捕与非暴力犯罪行为有关,导致监禁不到两周。未经调整的双变量分析表明,可能患有PTSD或TBI且报告有愤怒/烦躁情绪的退伍军人最有可能被捕。在多变量分析中,发现逮捕与年龄,男性,目睹家庭暴力,先前的逮捕历史,酗酒/滥用毒品以及高度发怒/易怒的PTSD密切相关,但与战斗暴露或TBI无关。研究结果表明,患有PTSD和负面影响的退伍军人子集可能会面临更大的被刑事逮捕的风险。由于逮捕与滥用毒品和犯罪史有着更紧密的联系,因此临床医生在评估和治疗涉及刑事司法的退伍军人时也应考虑非PTSD因素。



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