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Noninvasive Fetal ECG: the PhysioNet/Computing in Cardiology Challenge 2013

机译:无创胎儿心电图:在physioNet /计算在心脏病挑战2013



The PhysioNet/CinC 2013 Challenge aimed to stimulate rapid development and improvement of software for estimating fetal heart rate (FHR), fetal interbeat intervals (FRR), and fetal QT intervals (FQT), from multichannel recordings made using electrodes placed on the mother’s abdomen. For the challenge, five data collections from a variety of sources were used to compile a large standardized database, which was divided into training, open test, and hidden test subsets. Gold-standard fetal QRS and QT interval annotations were developed using a novel crowd-sourcing framework.The challenge organizers used the hidden test subset to evaluate 91 open-source software entries submitted by 53 international teams of participants in three challenge events, estimating FHR, FRR, and FQT using the hidden test subset, which was not available for study by participants. Two additional events required only user-submitted QRS annotations to evaluate FHR and FRR estimation accuracy using the open test subset available to participants.The challenge yielded a total of 91 open-source software entries. The best of these achieved average estimation errors of 187bpm2 for FHR, 20.9 ms for FRR, and 152.7 ms for FQT. The open data sets, scoring software, and open-source entries are available at PhysioNet for researchers interested on working on these problems.
机译:PhysioNet / CinC 2013挑战赛旨在刺激快速开发和改进用于估算胎儿心率(FHR),胎儿心跳间隔(FRR)和胎儿QT间隔(FQT)的软件,该软件来自使用放置在母亲腹部上的电极进行的多通道录音。对于挑战,使用了来自各种来源的五个数据收集来编译大型标准化数据库,该数据库分为训练,开放测试和隐藏测试子集。黄金标准的胎儿QRS和QT间隔注释是使用新颖的众包框架开发的。挑战组织者使用隐藏的测试子集评估了53个国际参与者在三个挑战事件中提交的91个开源软件条目,从而估算了FHR, FRR和FQT使用隐藏的测试子集,参与者无法进行研究。另外两个事件只需要用户提交QRS注释即可使用参与者可用的开放测试子集来评估FHR和FRR估计准确性。挑战产生了总共91个开源软件条目。其中最好的一项是FHR的平均估计误差为187bpm 2 ,FRR的平均误差为20.9 ms,FQT的平均误差为152.7 ms。 PhysioNet提供了开放数据集,评分软件和开源条目,供有兴趣解决这些问题的研究人员使用。



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