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What Caused the UKs Largest Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) Mass Stranding Event?




On 9 June 2008, the UK's largest mass stranding event (MSE) of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) occurred in Falmouth Bay, Cornwall. At least 26 dolphins died, and a similar number was refloated/herded back to sea. On necropsy, all dolphins were in good nutritive status with empty stomachs and no evidence of known infectious disease or acute physical injury. Auditory tissues were grossly normal (26/26) but had microscopic haemorrhages (5/5) and mild otitis media (1/5) in the freshest cases. Five lactating adult dolphins, one immature male, and one immature female tested were free of harmful algal toxins and had low chemical pollutant levels. Pathological evidence of mud/seawater inhalation (11/26), local tide cycle, and the relative lack of renal myoglobinuria (26/26) suggested MSE onset on a rising tide between 06∶30 and 08∶21 hrs (9 June). Potential causes excluded or considered highly unlikely included infectious disease, gas/fat embolism, boat strike, by-catch, predator attack, foraging unusually close to shore, chemical or algal toxin exposure, abnormal weather/climatic conditions, and high-intensity acoustic inputs from seismic airgun arrays or natural sources (e.g., earthquakes). International naval exercises did occur in close proximity to the MSE with the most intense part of the exercises (including mid-frequency sonars) occurring four days before the MSE and resuming with helicopter exercises on the morning of the MSE. The MSE may therefore have been a “two-stage process” where a group of normally pelagic dolphins entered Falmouth Bay and, after 3–4 days in/around the Bay, a second acoustic/disturbance event occurred causing them to strand en masse. This spatial and temporal association with the MSE, previous associations between naval activities and cetacean MSEs, and an absence of other identifiable factors known to cause cetacean MSEs, indicates naval activity to be the most probable cause of the Falmouth Bay MSE.
机译:2008年6月9日,英国最大的短喙普通海豚(Delphinus delphis)大规模搁浅事件发生在康沃尔郡的法尔茅斯湾。至少有26只海豚死亡,并且有类似数量的海豚被冷冻/放回海中。尸检时,所有海豚都处于良好的营养状态,肚子空着,没有证据表明已知的传染病或急性身体伤害。听觉组织大致正常(26/26),但在最新鲜的病例中有镜下出血(5/5)和轻度中耳炎(1/5)。测试的五只哺乳期的成年海豚,一只未成熟的雄性海豚和一只未成熟的雌性海豚不含有害的藻毒素并且化学污染物含量低。泥浆/海水吸入的病理学证据(11/26),局部潮汐周期以及相对缺乏的肾肌红蛋白尿(26/26)表明MSE在06∶30至08∶21 hrs(6月9日)的上升潮汐中发作。排除或被认为极不可能的潜在原因包括传染病,汽油/脂肪栓塞,罢工,副渔获物,捕食者袭击,在海岸附近异常觅食,化学或藻类毒素暴露,异常的天气/气候条件以及高强度的声音输入来自地震气枪阵列或自然资源(例如地震)。国际海军演习确实发生在MSE附近,演习中最激烈的部分(包括中频声纳)发生在MSE前四天,并在MSE上午恢复直升机演习。因此,MSE可能是一个“两阶段过程”,一群正常的中上层海豚进入法尔茅斯湾,在海湾中或其周围3至4天后,发生了第二次声音/扰动事件,导致它们大量搁浅。与MSE的时空联系,先前的海军活动与鲸类MSE之间的联系以及已知没有其他引起鲸类MSE的可识别因素,表明海军活动是法尔茅斯湾MSE的最可能原因。


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