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Community-wide Evaluation of Methods for Predicting the Effect of Mutations on Protein-Protein Interactions




Community-wide blind prediction experiments such as CAPRI and CASP provide an objective measure of the current state of predictive methodology. Here we describe a community-wide assessment of methods to predict the effects of mutations on protein-protein interactions. Twenty-two groups predicted the effects of comprehensive saturation mutagenesis for two designed influenza hemagglutinin binders and the results were compared with experimental yeast display enrichment data obtained using deep sequencing. The most successful methods explicitly considered the effects of mutation on monomer stability in addition to binding affinity, carried out explicit side chain sampling and backbone relaxation, and evaluated packing, electrostatic and solvation effects, and correctly identified around a third of the beneficial mutations. Much room for improvement remains for even the best techniques, and large-scale fitness landscapes should continue to provide an excellent test bed for continued evaluation of methodological improvement.
机译:诸如CAPRI和CASP之类的整个社区范围的盲目预测实验为预测方法的当前状态提供了客观的度量。在这里,我们描述了一种预测突变对蛋白质相互作用的方法的社区评估。 22个小组预测了两种设计的流感血凝素结合剂的全面饱和诱变作用,并将结果与​​使用深度测序获得的实验性酵母展示富集数据进行了比较。最成功的方法除结合亲和力外,还明确考虑了突变对单体稳定性的影响,进行了明确的侧链采样和骨架松弛,并评估了堆积,静电和溶剂化作用,并正确鉴定了约三分之一的有益突变。即使是最好的技术,仍有很大的改进空间,大型健身景观应继续为继续评估方法学改进提供一个极好的测试平台。


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