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Training Attention Improves Decision Making in Individuals with Elevated Self-Reported Depressive Symptoms




Depression is often characterized by attentional biases toward negative items and away from positive items, which likely affects reward and punishment processing. Recent work reported that training attention away from negative stimuli reduced this bias and reduced depressive symptoms. However, the effect of attention training on subsequent learning has yet to be explored. In the current study, participants were required to learn to maximize reward during decision-making. Undergraduates with elevated self-reported depressive symptoms received attention training toward positive stimuli prior to performing the decision-making task (n=20; active training). The active training group was compared to two groups: undergraduates with elevated self-reported depressive symptoms who received placebo training (n=22; placebo training) and control subjects with low levels of depressive symptoms (n=33; non-depressive control). The placebo-training depressive group performed worse and switched between options more than non-depressive controls on the reward maximization task. However, depressives that received active training performed as well as non-depressive controls. Computational modeling indicated that the placebo-trained group learned more from negative than from positive prediction errors, leading to more frequent switching. The non-depressive control and active training depressive groups showed similar learning from positive and negative prediction errors, leading to less frequent switching and better performance. Our results indicate that individuals with elevated depressive symptoms are impaired at reward maximization, but that the deficit can be improved with attention training toward positive stimuli.
机译:抑郁症的特征通常是注意力偏向消极项目而远离积极项目,这可能会影响奖励和惩罚过程。最近的工作报告说,将注意力从负面刺激转移开来可以减少这种偏见并减少抑郁症状。但是,注意力训练对后续学习的影响尚待探索。在当前的研究中,要求参与者学会在决策过程中获得最大的回报。自我报告的抑郁症状升高的大学生在执行决策任务之前接受正向刺激的注意力训练(n = 20;积极训练)。将活动训练组与两组进行比较:自我报告的抑郁症状升高的大学生接受了安慰剂训练(n = 22;安慰剂训练)和抑郁症状水平较低的对照组(n = 33;非抑郁控制)。安慰剂训练抑郁组的表现较差,并且在奖励最大化任务上的选择比非抑郁控制组要多。但是,接受过积极训练的抑郁症患者以及非抑郁症患者均得到了控制。计算模型表明,接受过安慰剂训练的小组从积极的预测错误中学到的知识多于否定,从而导致更频繁的转换。非抑郁控制组和积极训练性抑郁组在积极和消极的预测错误中表现出相似的学习效果,从而减少了频繁的切换和更好的表现。我们的结果表明,抑郁症症状加重的个体在最大程度地获得奖励时会受到损害,但是通过对正向刺激进行注意力训练可以改善这一缺陷。



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