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Effects of Pinealectomy and Short Day Lengths on Reproduction and Neuronal RFRP-3 Kisspeptin and GnRH in Female Turkish Hamsters




Long days (LDs) stimulate and short days (SDs) inhibit reproduction in photoperiodic rodents by modifying nocturnal pineal melatonin secretion. In LD Turkish hamsters, unlike other rodents, pinealectomy induces reproductive quiescence comparable to that produced by SDs. We assessed whether SDs and pinealectomy induce similar or different patterns of kisspeptin and gonadotropin-inhibitory hormone (also known as RFamide-related peptide-3 [RFRP-3] in mammals) expression, important mediators of seasonal reproductive changes in other species. Brains were harvested from sham-operated female Turkish hamsters maintained in LDs and SDs and LD-pealectomized (pinx) females, all housed in their respective photoperiods for 12 weeks. Uterine weights were substantially higher in LD-sham than in LD-pinx and SD-sham females. RFRP-3-immunoreactive(-ir) cells in the dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus were greater in number and size in the reproductively competent LD-sham hamsters than in both reproductively suppressed SD-sham and LD-pinx hamsters. LD-sham hamsters had more kisspeptin-ir cells in the anteroventral periventricular nucleus than did LD-pinx hamsters. Reproductive quiescence, whether induced by short-day lengths or pinealectomy, was generally accompanied by comparable changes in RFRP-3 and kisspeptin, suggesting that long-duration melatonin signaling and withdrawal of melatonin by pinealectomy may act through the same neural substrates to induce gonadal quiescence.
机译:长日(LDs)刺激和短日(SDs)通过改变夜间松果体褪黑激素分泌来抑制光周期啮齿动物的繁殖。与其他啮齿动物不同,在LD土耳其仓鼠中,松果体切除术所产生的生殖静止与SD产生的静止静止相当。我们评估了SD和松果体切除术是否诱导相似或不同模式的Kisspeptin和促性腺激素抑制激素(在哺乳动物中也称为RFamide相关肽3 [RFRP-3])表达,其是其他物种季节性繁殖变化的重要介质。从LDs和SDs中维持的假手术雌性土耳其仓鼠和LD-pelectomized(pinx)雌性中捕获的大脑中收获大脑,将它们分别放置在各自的光周期中12周。 LD-sham雌性的子宫重量明显高于LD-pinx和SD-sham雌性。生殖上有能力的LD-sham仓鼠中,背体下丘脑核中的RFRP-3免疫反应(-ir)细胞的数量和大小均大于生殖抑制的SD-sham和LD-pinx仓鼠。与LD-pinx仓鼠相比,LD-sham仓鼠在前脑室周围核中具有更多kisepteptin-ir细胞。生殖静止期,无论是短日照或松果体切除所引起的,通常都伴随有RFRP-3和Kisspeptin的可比变化,这表明长期褪黑素信号传导和松果体切除褪黑素可能通过相同的神经底物起作用,诱导性腺静止。 。



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