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Acute Hematological Effects in Mice Exposed to the Expected Doses Dose-rates and Energies of Solar Particle Event-like Proton Radiation




NASA has funded several projects that have provided evidence for the radiation risk in space. One radiation concern arises from solar particle event (SPE) radiation, which is composed of energetic electrons, protons, alpha particles and heavier particles. SPEs are unpredictable and the accompanying SPE radiation can place astronauts at risk of blood cell death, contributing to a weakened immune system and increased susceptibility to infection. The doses, dose rates, and energies of the proton radiation expected to occur during a SPE have been simulated at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory, Brookhaven National Laboratory, delivering total body doses to mice. Hematological values were evaluated at acute time points, up to 24 hrs. post-radiation exposure.
机译:NASA已资助了多个项目,这些项目为太空辐射风险提供了证据。一种关注的辐射来自太阳粒子事件(SPE)辐射,它由高能电子,质子,α粒子和较重的粒子组成。 SPE是不可预测的,伴随的SPE辐射可能会使宇航员面临血细胞死亡的危险,从而导致免疫系统减弱和对感染的敏感性增加。 SPE期间预期发生的质子辐射的剂量,剂量率和能量已经在布鲁克海文国家实验室的NASA太空辐射实验室进行了模拟,向小鼠提供了全身剂量。在急性时间点(长达24小时)评估血液学值。辐射后暴露。



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