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Training shortens search times in children with visual impairment accompanied by nystagmus




Perceptual learning (PL) can improve near visual acuity (NVA) in 4–9 year old children with visual impairment (VI). However, the mechanisms underlying improved NVA are unknown. The present study compares feature search and oculomotor measures in 4–9 year old children with VI accompanied by nystagmus (VI+nys [n = 33]) and children with normal vision (NV [n = 29]). Children in the VI+nys group were divided into three training groups: an experimental PL group, a control PL group, and a magnifier group. They were seen before (baseline) and after 6 weeks of training. Children with NV were only seen at baseline. The feature search task entailed finding a target E among distractor E's (pointing right) with element spacing varied in four steps: 0.04°, 0.5°, 1°, and 2°. At baseline, children with VI+nys showed longer search times, shorter fixation durations, and larger saccade amplitudes than children with NV. After training, all training groups showed shorter search times. Only the experimental PL group showed prolonged fixation duration after training at 0.5° and 2° spacing, p's respectively 0.033 and 0.021. Prolonged fixation duration was associated with reduced crowding and improved crowded NVA. One of the mechanisms underlying improved crowded NVA after PL in children with VI+nys seems to be prolonged fixation duration.
机译:知觉学习(PL)可以改善4-9岁视力障碍(VI)儿童的近视力(NVA)。但是,改善NVA的机制尚不清楚。本研究比较了4-9岁的VI伴有眼球震颤的儿童(VI + nys [n = 33])和视力正常的儿童(NV [n = 29])的特征搜索和动眼措施。 VI + nys组中的孩子分为三个训练组:实验PL组,对照组PL组和放大镜组。在训练前(基线)和训练后6周看到了它们。患有NV的儿童仅在基线时见到。特征搜索任务需要在分散器E(指向右边)中找到目标E,元素间距以四个步骤变化:0.04°,0.5°,1°和2°。在基线时,与NV儿童相比,VI + nys儿童显示更长的搜索时间,更短的注视时间和更大的扫视幅度。训练后,所有训练组的搜索时间都缩短了。只有实验性PL组在以0.5°和2°间隔训练后显示延长的固定持续时间,p分别为0.033和0.021。延长固定时间与减少拥挤和改善拥挤的NVA有关。 VI + nys患儿PL后拥挤NVA改善的根本机制之一似乎是固定时间延长。



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