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What Experimental Factors Influence the Accuracy of Retention Projections in Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry?




Programmed-temperature gas chromatographic (GC) retention information is difficult to share because it depends on so many experimental factors that vary among laboratories. Though linear retention indexing cannot properly account for experimental differences, retention times can be accurately calculated, or “projected”, from shared isothermal retention vs. temperature (T) relationships, but only if the temperature program and hold-up time vs. T profile produced by a GC is known with great precision. The effort required to measure these profiles were previously impractical, but we recently showed that they can be easily back-calculated from the programmed-temperature retention times of a set of 25 n-alkanes using open-source software at . In a multi-lab study, the approach was shown to account for both intentional and unintentional differences in the temperature programs, flow rates, and inlet pressures produced by the GCs. Here, we tested 16 other experimental factors and found that only 5 could reduce accuracy in retention projections: injection history, exposure to very high levels of oxygen at high temperature, a very low transfer line temperature, an overloaded column, and a very short column (≤ 15 m). We find that the retention projection methodology acts as a hybrid of conventional retention projection and retention indexing, drawing on the advantages of both; it properly accounts for a wide range of experimental conditions while accommodating the effects of experimental factors not properly taken into account in the calculations. Finally, we developed a four-step protocol to efficiently troubleshoot a GC system after it is found to be yielding inaccurate retention projections.
机译:程序温度气相色谱(GC)保留信息很难共享,因为它取决于许多实验室之间不同的实验因素。尽管线性保留指数无法正确解释实验差异,但可以根据共享的等温保留与温度(T)的关系准确地计算或“预测”保留时间,但前提是温度程序和保持时间与T曲线有关GC产生的质谱非常精确。以前,测量这些分布图所需的工作是不切实际的,但是我们最近显示,可以使用的开放源软件,通过一组25种正构烷烃的程序设定温度保留时间轻松地对它们进行反算。在多实验室研究中,该方法被证明可以解决GC产生的温度程序,流速和入口压力方面的有意和无意差异。在这里,我们测试了其他16个实验因素,发现只有5个因素会降低保留预测的准确性:进样历史,高温下暴露于非常高的氧气水平,传输线温度非常低,色谱柱过载和色谱柱非常短(≤15 m)。我们发现,利用两者的优点,保留预测方法可以将传统的保留预测和保留索引结合起来。它适当地考虑了各种实验条件,同时适应了计算中未适当考虑的实验因素的影响。最后,我们开发了一个四步协议以有效地对GC系统进行故障排除,直到发现其保留计划不准确。



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