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Stress Effects on Mood HPA Axis and Autonomic Response: Comparison of Three Psychosocial Stress Paradigms




Extensive experimental psychology research has attempted to parse the complex relationship between psychosocial stress, mood, cognitive performance, and physiological changes. To do so, it is necessary to have effective, validated methods to experimentally induce psychosocial stress. The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) is the most commonly used method of experimentally inducing psychosocial stress, but it is resource intensive. Less resource intense psychosocial stress tasks include the Socially Evaluative Cold Pressor Task (SECPT) and a computerized mental arithmetic task (MAT). These tasks effectively produce a physiological and psychological stress response and have the benefits of requiring fewer experimenters and affording data collection from multiple participants simultaneously. The objective of this study was to compare the magnitude and duration of these three experimental psychosocial stress induction paradigms. On each of four separate days, participants completed either a control non-stressful task or one of the three experimental stressors: the TSST, SECPT, or MAT. We measured mood, working memory performance, salivary cortisol and alpha-amylase (AA), and heart rate. The TSST and SECPT exerted the most robust effects on mood and physiological measures. TSST effects were generally evident immediately post-stress as well as 10- and 20-minutes after stress cessation, whereas SECPT effects were generally limited to the duration of the stressor. The stress duration is a key determinant when planning a study that utilizes an experimental stressor, as researchers may be interested in collecting dependent measures prior to stress cessation. In this way, the TSST would allow the investigator a longer window to administer tasks of interest.
机译:广泛的实验心理学研究试图解析社会心理压力,情绪,认知表现和生理变化之间的复杂关系。为此,必须有有效的,经过验证的方法来实验诱发社会心理压力。特里尔社会压力测试(TSST)是实验上诱发社会心理压力的最常用方法,但它占用大量资源。资源较少的社会心理压力任务包括社会评估冷压任务(SECPT)和计算机化的心理算术任务(MAT)。这些任务有效地产生了生理和心理上的压力反应,并具有需要更少的实验者和同时提供来自多个参与者的数据收集的好处。这项研究的目的是比较这三种实验性社会心理压力诱导范式的大小和持续时间。在四天的每一天中,参与者都完成了一项无压力的控制任务,或者完成了三种实验压力源之一:TSST,SECPT或MAT。我们测量了情绪,工作记忆表现,唾液皮质醇和α-淀粉酶(AA)以及心率。 TSST和SECPT对情绪和生理指标的影响最大。应激后以及应激停止后10分钟和20分钟后,TSST效应通常很明显,而SECPT效应通常限于应激源的持续时间。在计划利用实验性压力源的研究时,压力持续时间是关键的决定因素,因为研究人员可能对在停止压力之前收集相关措施感兴趣。这样,TSST将允许研究者有更长的窗口来管理感兴趣的任务。



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