首页> 美国卫生研究院文献>other >Role of Preschool and Primary School Children in Epidemics of Influenza A in a Local Community in Japan during Two Consecutive Seasons with A(H3N2) as a Predominant Subtype

Role of Preschool and Primary School Children in Epidemics of Influenza A in a Local Community in Japan during Two Consecutive Seasons with A(H3N2) as a Predominant Subtype




Enhanced influenza surveillance was implemented to analyze transmission dynamics particularly driving force of influenza transmission in a community during 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons in Odate City, Japan. In these two consecutive seasons, influenza A(H3N2) was the predominant influenza A subtype. Suspected influenza cases were tested by commercial rapid test kits. Demographic and epidemiological information of influenza positive cases were recorded using a standardized questionnaire, which included age or age group, date of visit, date of fever onset, and the result of rapid test kit. Epidemiological parameters including epidemic midpoint (EM) and growth rate (GR) were analyzed. In 2012/13 season, numbers of influenza A positive cases were significantly lower among preschool (212 cases) and primary school (224 cases) children than in 2011/12 season (461 and 538 cases, respectively). Simultaneously, total influenza A cases were also reduced from 2,092 in 2011/12 season to 1,846 in 2012/13 season. The EMs in preschool and primary school children were earlier than EMs for adult and all age group in both 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons. The GR in 2012/13 season was significantly lower than that in 2011/12 season (0.11 and 0.18, respectively, p = 0.003). Multiple linear regression analysis by school districts revealed that GRs in both seasons were significantly correlated with the incidence of school age children. Our findings suggest that preschool and primary school children played an important role as a driving force of epidemics in the community in both 2011/12 and 2012/13 seasons. The reduction of total influenza A cases in 2012/13 season can be explained by decreased susceptible population in these age groups due to immunity acquired by infections in 2011/12 season. Further investigations are needed to investigate the effect of pre-existing immunity on influenza transmission in the community.
机译:实施了加强的流感监测,以分析日本大馆市在2011/12和2012/13赛季社区中流感传播的动态,尤其是流感传播的驱动力。在这两个连续的季节中,甲型流感(H3N2)是主要的甲型流感亚型。通过商业快速检测试剂盒对可疑流感病例进行了检测。使用标准调查表记录流感阳性病例的人口统计学和流行病学信息,包括年龄或年龄组,就诊日期,发烧日期和快速检测试剂盒的结果。分析了流行病学参数,包括流行病中点(EM)和增长率(GR)。与2011/12年度(分别为461和538例)相比,2012/13赛季学龄前儿童(212例)和小学儿童(224例)中的甲型流感阳性病例数量明显减少。同时,甲型流感病例总数也从2011/12年度的2,092例减少到2012/13年度的1,846例。在2011/12和2012/13赛季中,学龄前和小学生的EM早于成人和所有年龄段的EM。 2012/13赛季的GR显着低于2011/12赛季的GR(分别为0.11和0.18,p = 0.003)。通过学区进行的多元线性回归分析显示,两个季节的遗传资源均与学龄儿童的发生率显着相关。我们的发现表明,在2011/12和2012/13赛季中,学龄前和小学儿童在社区中成为流行病的重要驱动因素。由于2011/12年度感染引起的免疫力下降,这些年龄组的易感人群减少,可以解释2012/13年度甲型流感总病例数减少。需要进行进一步的调查以调查已有的免疫对社区流感传播的影响。



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