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Inhibition of IL-6 Signaling Pathway by Curcumin in Uterine Decidual Cells




IL-6 is a multifunctional pro-inflammatory cytokine and has been implicated in many gestational disorders including preterm birth. Currently, there are no appropriate therapeutic interventions available to circumvent inflammatory-mediated gestational disorders. Therefore, the goal of this study was to identify a safe and effective pharmacological compound to counterbalance inflammatory responses in the uterus. Curcumin, a naturally-occuring polyphenolic compound, has been widely used in alternative medicine to treat inflammatory diseases. However, the anti-inflammatory effect of curcumin has not been explored in uterine decidual cells, a major source of IL-6. Therefore, we examined the effect of curcumin on IL-6 expression using two types of uterine decidual cells 1) HuF cells, primary human fibroblast cells obtained from the decidua parietalis; 2) UIII cells, a rodent non-transformed decidual cell line. Curcumin treatment completely abrogated the expression of IL-1β-induced IL-6 in these cells. Curcumin also strongly inhibited the expression of gp130, a critical molecule in IL-6 signaling, whereas expression of IL-6R and sIL-6R was not affected. Curcumin also inhibited phosphorylation and nuclear localization of STAT3, a well-known downstream mediator of IL-6 signaling. Furthermore, curcumin attenuated IL-1β-induced IL-6 promoter reporter activity suggesting transcriptional regulation. To further understand whether NF-ҡB is involved in this inhibition, we examined the effect of curcumin on the expression of p50 and p65 subunits of NF-ҡB in decidual cells. Expression of IL-1β-induced p50 mRNA was repressed by curcumin while p65 mRNA was not affected. However, curcumin treatment dramatically inhibited both p50 and p65 protein levels and prevented its nuclear localization. This effect is at least partly mediated through the deactivation of IKK, since IL-1β-induced IKKα/β phosphorylation is decreased upon curcumin treatment. Our results not only revealed molecular mechanisms underlying curcumin action in uterine decidual cells but also suggest that this compound may have therapeutic potential for the prevention of inflammation-mediated preterm birth and other gestational disorders.
机译:IL-6是一种多功能的促炎性细胞因子,与许多妊娠疾病(包括早产)有关。当前,没有适当的治疗干预措施可用于规避炎症介导的妊娠疾病。因此,本研究的目的是确定一种安全有效的药理化合物,以抵消子宫中的炎症反应。姜黄素是一种天然的多酚化合物,已广泛用于治疗炎症性疾病的替代药物中。但是,尚未在子宫蜕膜细胞(IL-6的主要来源)中研究姜黄素的抗炎作用。因此,我们使用两种类型的子宫蜕膜细胞检查了姜黄素对IL-6表达的影响:1)HuF细胞,即从壁蜕膜获得的原代人成纤维细胞; 2)UIII细胞,一种啮齿动物未转化的蜕膜细胞系。姜黄素处理完全消除了这些细胞中IL-1β诱导的IL-6的表达。姜黄素还强烈抑制IL-6信号中的关键分子gp130的表达,而IL-6R和sIL-6R的表达不受影响。姜黄素还抑制STAT3的磷酸化和核定位,STAT3是IL-6信号的众所周知的下游介质。此外,姜黄素减弱了IL-1β诱导的IL-6启动子报道基因活性,提示转录调控。为了进一步了解NF-ҡB是否参与这种抑制作用,我们检查了姜黄素对蜕膜细胞中NF-ҡBp50和p65亚基表达的影响。姜黄素可抑制IL-1β诱导的p50 mRNA表达,而p65 mRNA不受影响。然而,姜黄素治疗可显着抑制p50和p65蛋白水平,并阻止其核定位。由于IL-1β诱导的IKKα/β磷酸化在姜黄素治疗后降低,因此该作用至少部分通过IKK失活来介导。我们的结果不仅揭示了子宫蜕膜细胞中姜黄素作用的分子机制,而且还表明该化合物可能具有预防炎症介导的早产和其他妊娠疾病的治疗潜力。



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