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Identification of α1-Antitrypsin as a Potential Candidate for Internal Control for Human Synovial Fluid in Western Blot




Western blot of synovial fluid has been widely used for osteoarthritis (OA) research and diagnosis, but there is no ideal loading control for this purpose. Although β-actin is extensively used as loading control in western blot, it is not suitable for synovial fluid because it is not required in synovial fluid as a cytoskeletal protein. A good loading control for synovial fluid in OA studies should have unchanged content in synovial fluids from normal and OA groups, because synovial fluid protein content can vary with changes in synovial vascular permeability with OA onset. In this study, we explore the potential of using α1-antitripsin (A1AT) as loading control for OA synovial fluid in western blot. A1AT level is elevated in inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Unlike RA, OA is a non-inflammation disease, which does not induce A1AT. In this study, we identified A1AT as an abundant component of synovial fluid by Mass Spectrometry and confirmed that the level of A1AT is relative constant between human OA and normal synovial fluid by western blot and ELISA. Hence, we proposed that A1AT may be a good loading control for western blot in human OA synovial fluid studies provided that pathological conditions such as RA or A1AT deficiency associated liver or lung diseases are excluded.
机译:滑液的蛋白质印迹已广泛用于骨关节炎(OA)的研究和诊断,但为此目的尚无理想的负荷控制方法。尽管β-肌动蛋白在蛋白质印迹中被广泛用作上样对照,但由于滑膜液中不需要其作为细胞骨架蛋白,因此它不适合滑膜液。在OA研究中,对滑液的良好负荷控制应该使正常和OA组的滑液中的含量保持不变,因为随着OA发作,滑液中蛋白质的含量会随着滑膜血管通透性的变化而变化。在这项研究中,我们在蛋白质印迹中探索了使用α1-抗胰蛋白酶(A1AT)作为OA滑液的负载控制的潜力。在炎性疾病如类风湿关节炎(RA)中,A1AT水平升高。与RA不同,OA是一种非炎症性疾病,不会诱发A1AT。在这项研究中,我们通过质谱鉴定了A1AT是滑液的丰富成分,并通过Western blot和ELISA证实了人OA和正常滑液之间A1AT的水平是相对恒定的。因此,我们提出,如果排除与RA或A1AT缺乏症相关的肝脏或肺部疾病等病理状况,A1AT可能是人OA滑液研究中Western blot的良好负载控制。



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