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Metabarcoding Analysis of Fungal Diversity in the Phyllosphere and Carposphere of Olive (Olea europaea)

机译:橄榄(Olea europaea)的叶层和腕层真菌多样性的元条形码分析



The fungal diversity associated with leaves, flowers and fruits of olive (Olea europaea) was investigated in different phenological stages (May, June, October and December) using an implemented metabarcoding approach. It consisted of the 454 pyrosequencing of the fungal ITS2 region and the subsequent phylogenetic analysis of relevant genera along with validated reference sequences. Most sequences were identified up to the species level or were associated with a restricted number of related taxa enabling supported speculations regarding their biological role. Analyses revealed a rich fungal community with 195 different OTUs. Ascomycota was the dominating phyla representing 93.6% of the total number of detected sequences followed by unidentified fungi (3.6%) and Basidiomycota (2.8%). A higher level of diversity was revealed for leaves compared to flowers and fruits. Among plant pathogens the genus Colletotrichum represented by three species (C. godetiae syn. C. clavatum, C. acutatum s.s and C. karstii) was the most abundant on ripe fruits but it was also detected in other organs. Pseudocercospora cladosporioides was detected with a high frequency in all leaf samples and to a less extent in ripe fruits. A much lower relative frequency was revealed for Spilocaea oleagina and for other putative pathogens including Fusarium spp., Neofusicoccum spp., and Alternaria spp. Among non-pathogen taxa, Aureobasidium pullulans, the species complex of Cladosporium cladosporioides and Devriesia spp. were the most represented. This study highlights the existence of a complex fungal consortium including both phytopathogenic and potentially antagonistic microorganisms that can have a significant impact on olive productions.
机译:使用已实施的元条形码方法,在不同的物候阶段(5月,6月,10月和12月)调查了与橄榄(油橄榄)的叶子,花朵和果实相关的真菌多样性。它由真菌ITS2区的454焦磷酸测序,相关属的后续系统发育分析以及经过验证的参考序列组成。大多数序列已被鉴定到物种水平,或与有限数量的相关分类单元相关联,从而支持对其生物作用的推测。分析显示,真菌群落丰富,有195个不同的OTU。子囊菌是占主导地位的门,占检测序列总数的93.6%,其次是未鉴定的真菌(3.6%)和担子菌(2.8%)。与花朵和水果相比,叶子的多样性更高。在植物病原体中,以三种物种(C. godetiae syn。C. clavatum,C。acutatum s.s和C. karstii)代表的炭疽菌属(Colletotrichum)在成熟果实上含量最高,但在其他器官中也发现。在所有叶片样品中检出的伪孢子孢子菌频率很高,而在成熟果实中检出率较低。揭示了螺旋藻和其他假定的病原体,包括 Fusarium spp。, Neofusicoccum spp。和 Alternaria spp。在非致病性紫杉金黄色葡萄球菌中, Cladosporium cladosporioides Devriesia spp的物种复合体。最有代表性。这项研究强调了一个复杂的真菌财团的存在,其中包括致病性微生物和潜在的拮抗微生物,它们可能对橄榄的生产产生重大影响。



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