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A dance movement therapy group for depressed adult patients in a psychiatric outpatient clinic: effects of the treatment




We were interested in investigating the effects of dance movement therapy (DMT) in a psychiatric outpatient clinic with patients diagnosed with depression. DMT aims to engage the patients in physical and verbal exploration of their experiences generated in movement based interaction. The assumption was that DMT, which includes both physical engagement as well as emotional and social exploration, would alleviate the mood and psychiatric symptoms. All adult patients (n = 33) included in the study received treatment as usual (TAU). Twenty-one patients participated in a 12-session DMT group intervention, and the remaining 12 patients chose to take TAU only. The majority of the patients suffered from moderate or severe depression, recurrent and/or chronic type. The effects of the interventions were investigated after the intervention, and at 3-month follow-up. Compared to the TAU, adding DMT seemed to improve the effect of the treatment. The effect of the DMT was observable whether the patient was taking antidepressant medication or not. At follow-up, between group effect sizes (ES) were medium in favor for the DMT group (d = 0.60–0.79). In the DMT group, the within ES at the 3 months follow-up varied from 0.62 to 0.82 as compared to TAU 0.15–0.37. The results indicated that DMT is beneficial in the treatment of depressed patients.
机译:我们对在诊断为患有抑郁症的患者的精神科门诊中研究舞蹈运动疗法(DMT)的效果感兴趣。 DMT旨在使患者参与基于身体和语言的探索,了解他们在基于运动的互动中产生的体验。假设包括身体参与以及情感和社交探索在内的DMT将减轻情绪和精神病症状。纳入研究的所有成年患者(n = 33)均接受常规治疗(TAU)。 21名患者参加了为期12次的DMT组干预,其余12名患者选择仅接受TAU。大多数患者患有中度或重度抑郁,复发和/或慢性类型。干预后及随访3个月时,对干预效果进行调查。与TAU相比,添加DMT似乎可以改善治疗效果。无论患者是否服用抗抑郁药,DMT的效果都是可以观察到的。随访时,DMT组的组间效应大小(ES)中等(d = 0.60–0.79)。在DMT组中,与TAU 0.15-0.37相比,在3个月的随访中ES范围内从0.62到0.82不等。结果表明DMT在抑郁症患者的治疗中是有益的。



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