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Influence of Epicuticular Physicochemical Properties on Porcine Rotavirus Adsorption to 24 Leafy Green Vegetables and Tomatoes




Foodborne diseases are a persistent problem in the United States and worldwide. Fresh produce, especially those used as raw foods like salad vegetables, can be contaminated, causing illness. In this study, we determined the number of rotaviruses adsorbed on produce surfaces using group A porcine rotaviruses and 24 cultivars of leafy vegetables and tomato fruits. We also characterized the physicochemical properties of each produce’s outermost surface layer, known as the epicuticle. The number of rotaviruses found on produce surfaces varied among cultivars. Three-dimensional crystalline wax structures on the epicuticular surfaces were found to significantly contribute to the inhibition of viral adsorption to the produce surfaces (p = 0.01). We found significant negative correlations between the number of rotaviruses adsorbed on the epicuticular surfaces and the concentrations of alkanes, fatty acids, and total waxes on the epicuticular surfaces. Partial least square model fitting results suggest that alkanes, ketones, fatty acids, alcohols, contact angle and surface roughness together can explain 60% of the variation in viral adsorption. The results suggest that various fresh produce surface properties need to be collectively considered for efficient sanitation treatments. Up to 10.8% of the originally applied rotaviruses were found on the produce surfaces after three washing treatments, suggesting a potential public health concern regarding rotavirus contamination.
机译:食源性疾病在美国和全世界都是一个持续存在的问题。新鲜农产品,特别是用作沙拉蔬菜等生食的农产品,可能会受到污染并引起疾病。在这项研究中,我们确定了使用A组猪轮状病毒和24个叶类蔬菜和番茄果实栽培品种在产品表面吸附的轮状病毒的数量。我们还表征了每种产品最外层的表皮的理化特性。在产品表面发现的轮状病毒数量因品种而异。发现表皮表面的三维结晶蜡结构显着有助于抑制病毒吸附到农产品表面(p = 0.01)。我们发现表皮表面吸附的轮状病毒数量与表皮表面上烷烃,脂肪酸和总蜡的浓度之间存在显着的负相关性。偏最小二乘模型拟合的结果表明,烷烃,酮,脂肪酸,醇,接触角和表面粗糙度共同可以解释60%的病毒吸附变化。结果表明,有效的卫生处理需要综合考虑各种新鲜农产品的表面特性。经过三道清洗处理后,在产品表面发现了多达10.8%的最初使用的轮状病毒,这表明潜在的公共卫生问题涉及轮状病毒污染。



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