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Experience Changes How Emotion in Music Is Judged: Evidence from Children Listening with Bilateral Cochlear Implants Bimodal Devices and Normal Hearing




Children using unilateral cochlear implants abnormally rely on tempo rather than mode cues to distinguish whether a musical piece is happy or sad. This led us to question how this judgment is affected by the type of experience in early auditory development. We hypothesized that judgments of the emotional content of music would vary by the type and duration of access to sound in early life due to deafness, altered perception of musical cues through new ways of using auditory prostheses bilaterally, and formal music training during childhood. Seventy-five participants completed the Montreal Emotion Identification Test. Thirty-three had normal hearing (aged 6.6 to 40.0 years) and 42 children had hearing loss and used bilateral auditory prostheses (31 bilaterally implanted and 11 unilaterally implanted with contralateral hearing aid use). Reaction time and accuracy were measured. Accurate judgment of emotion in music was achieved across ages and musical experience. Musical training accentuated the reliance on mode cues which developed with age in the normal hearing group. Degrading pitch cues through cochlear implant-mediated hearing induced greater reliance on tempo cues, but mode cues grew in salience when at least partial acoustic information was available through some residual hearing in the contralateral ear. Finally, when pitch cues were experimentally distorted to represent cochlear implant hearing, individuals with normal hearing (including those with musical training) switched to an abnormal dependence on tempo cues. The data indicate that, in a western culture, access to acoustic hearing in early life promotes a preference for mode rather than tempo cues which is enhanced by musical training. The challenge to these preferred strategies during cochlear implant hearing (simulated and real), regardless of musical training, suggests that access to pitch cues for children with hearing loss must be improved by preservation of residual hearing and improvements in cochlear implant technology.
机译:使用单侧人工耳蜗的儿童异常依赖节奏而不是模式提示来区分音乐作品是快乐还是悲伤。这使我们怀疑这种判断如何受到早期听觉发展经验类型的影响。我们假设对音乐情感内容的判断会因耳聋,早期通过双侧使用听觉假体的新方式改变了对音乐线索的知觉以及在童年时期进行正规音乐训练而因早期获得声音的类型和持续时间而异。 75名参与者完成了蒙特利尔情绪识别测试。 33例听力正常(年龄在6.6至40.0岁之间),有42名儿童失聪并使用了双侧听觉假体(31例采用双侧植入,11例采用单侧对侧助听器植入)。测量反应时间和准确性。跨年龄和音乐经验可以准确判断音乐中的情感。音乐训练突显了对正常听觉群体中随着年龄增长而产生的模式提示的依赖。通过耳蜗植入物介导的听力降低音调提示会导致对节奏提示的更多依赖,但是当通过对侧耳部的一些残留听力获得至少部分声学信息时,模式提示的显着性就会增加。最后,当基音提示在实验上被扭曲以代表人工耳蜗的听觉时,听力正常的人(包括那些接受过音乐训练的人)转而对速度提示的异常依赖。数据表明,在西方文化中,早期的听觉听觉促进了对模式的偏爱,而不是节奏的提倡,而音乐的训练则加快了节奏。不管音乐训练如何,在人工耳蜗听力(模拟的和真实的)中对这些优选策略的挑战表明,必须通过保留剩余的听力和改进人工耳蜗技术来改善有听力障碍儿童的音调提示。



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