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The Conditions under which Growth-Fostering Relationships Promote Resilience and Alleviate Psychological Distress among Sexual Minorities: Applications of Relational Cultural Theory




Relational cultural theory posits that resilience and psychological growth are rooted in relational connections and are facilitated through growth-fostering relationships. Framed within this theory, the current study examined the associations between growth-fostering relationships (i.e., relationships characterized by authenticity and mutuality) with a close friend and psychological distress among sexual minorities. More specifically, we tested the moderating effects of individuals’ internalized homophobia and their friend’s sexual orientation on the associations between growth-fostering relationship with their close friend and level of psychological distress. A sample of sexual minorities (N = 661) were recruited online and completed a questionnaire. The 3-way interaction between (a) growth-fostering relationship with a close friend, (b) the close friend’s sexual orientation, and (c) internalized homophobia was significant in predicting psychological distress. Among participants with low levels of internalized homophobia, a stronger growth-fostering relationship with a close heterosexual or LGBT friend was associated with less psychological distress. Among participants with high levels of internalized homophobia, a stronger growth-fostering relationship with a close LGBT friend was associated with less psychological distress but not with a heterosexual friend. Our results demonstrate that growth-fostering relationships may be associated with less psychological distress but under specific conditions. These findings illuminate a potential mechanism for sexual minorities’ resilience and provide support for relational cultural theory. Understanding resilience factors among sexual minorities is critical for culturally sensitive and affirmative clinical practice and future research.
机译:关系文化理论认为,复原力和心理成长源于关系联系,并通过促进成长的关系得到促进。在这一理论的框架下,当前的研究考察了与密友的成长促进型关系(即以真实性和相互性为特征的关系)与性少数群体之间的心理困扰之间的联系。更具体地说,我们测试了个人内在的恐同症及其朋友的性取向对与他们的亲密朋友促进成长的关系与心理困扰水平之间的关系的调节作用。在线招募了少数族裔样本(N = 661)并填写了调查表。 (a)与密友的成长促进关系,(b)密友的性取向和(c)内在的恐同症之间的三向相互作用对于预测心理困扰非常重要。在具有较低内部化同性恋恐惧症的参与者中,与异性恋者或LGBT好友的成长促进关系更强,从而减少了心理困扰。在具有高水平的内部化同性恋恐惧症的参与者中,与亲密的LGBT朋友更强的促进成长的关系与较少的心理困扰相关,而与异性恋朋友无关。我们的结果表明,在特定条件下,促进成长的关系可能会减少心理困扰。这些发现阐明了性少数群体复原力的潜在机制,并为关系文化理论提供了支持。了解性少数群体的适应力因素对于文化敏感和肯定的临床实践以及未来的研究至关重要。



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