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Synthetic and Biological Studies of Sesquiterpene Polygodial: Activity of 9-Epipolygodial Against Drug Resistant Cancer Cells




Polygodial, a terpenenoid dialdehyde isolated from Polygonum hydropiper L., is a known TRPV1 agonist. In this investigation a series of polygodial analogues were prepared and investigated for TRPV1 agonistic and anticancer activities. These experiments led to the identification of 9-epipolygodial, possessing antiproliferative potency significantly exceeding that of polygodial. Epipolygodial maintained potency against apoptosis-resistant cancer cells as well as those displaying the MDR phenotype. In addition, a chemical feasibility for the previously proposed mechanism of action of polygodial, involving the Paal-Knorr pyrrole formation with a lysine residue on the target protein, was demonstrated through the synthesis of a stable polygodial pyrrole derivative. These studies reveal rich chemical and biological properties associated with polygodial and its direct derivatives. They should inspire further work in this area aimed at the development of new pharmacological agents or exploration of novel mechanisms of covalent modification of biological molecules with natural products.
机译:polygodial是从Polygonum hydropiper L.中分离出的萜烯二醛,是已知的TRPV1激动剂。在这项研究中,准备了一系列的polygodial类似物,并研究了TRPV1激动剂和抗癌活性。这些实验导致鉴定出9-上膜多角膜,其抗增殖能力大大超过了多角膜。 Epipolygodial保持了对凋亡抗性癌细胞以及表现出MDR表型的癌细胞的效力。此外,通过合成稳定的多吡咯吡咯衍生物,证明了先前提出的多聚吡咯作用机理的化学可行性,其中涉及Paal-Knorr吡咯在靶蛋白上带有赖氨酸残基的形成。这些研究揭示了与多果蝇及其直接衍生物有关的丰富化学和生物学特性。他们应该在这一领域中激发更多的工作,以开发新的药理剂或探索生物分子与天然产物共价修饰的新机制。


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