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Singing together or apart: The effect of competitive and cooperative singing on social bonding within and between sub-groups of a university Fraternity




Singing together seems to facilitate social bonding, but it is unclear whether this is true in all contexts. Here we examine the social bonding outcomes of naturalistic singing behaviour in a European university Fraternity composed of exclusive ‘Cliques’: recognised sub-groups of 5-20 friends who adopt a special name and identity. Singing occurs frequently in this Fraternity, both ‘competitively’ (contests between Cliques) and ‘cooperatively’ (multiple Cliques singing together). Both situations were re-created experimentally in order to explore how competitive and cooperative singing affects feelings of closeness towards others. Participants were assigned to teams of four and were asked to sing together with another team either from the same Clique or from a different Clique. Participants (N = 88) felt significantly closer to teams from different Cliques after singing with them compared to before, regardless of whether they cooperated with (singing loudly together) or competed against (trying to singing louder than) the other team. In contrast, participants reported reduced closeness with other teams from their own Clique after competing with them. These results indicate that group singing can increase closeness to less familiar individuals regardless of whether they share a common motivation, but that singing competitively may reduce closeness within a very tight-knit group.
机译:一起唱歌似乎可以促进社会联系,但是目前尚不清楚在所有情况下是否都是如此。在这里,我们研究了欧洲大学联谊会中自然主义歌唱行为的社会联系结果,该联谊会由独特的“小组”组成:由5-20位朋友组成的公认小组,他们采用特殊的名称和身份。在这种博爱中,唱歌经常发生,既有“竞争性”(在各派之间竞争),又有“合作地”(有多个同派在一起唱歌)。通过实验重新创建了这两种情况,以探讨竞争性和合作性唱歌如何影响与他人的亲密感。参与者被分配为四人一组,并被要求与来自同一集团或不同集团的另一支球队一起唱歌。参与者(N = 88)与其他集团的成员一起唱歌之后,比以前更加感觉接近,而不论他们是与其他团队合作(一起大声唱歌)还是与其他团队竞争(试图大声唱歌)。相比之下,参与者报告说,他们与自己的Clique团队竞争后与其他团队的亲近度降低。这些结果表明,集体唱歌可以增加不那么熟悉的人的亲密感,而不管他们是否有共同的动机,但是竞争性唱歌可以降低一个非常紧密的团体中的亲密感。



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