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Plasma Levels of the Interleukin-1-Receptor Antagonist Are Lower in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Are Particularly Associated with Postpartum Development of Type 2 Diabetes




Diabetes mellitus is a group of diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia. Women who develops hyperglycemia for the first time during pregnancy receive the diagnosis gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Presently, there is no consensus about the diagnostic criteria for GDM. A majority of these women subsequently develop postpartum overt diabetes making it important to identify these patients as early as possible. In this study we investigated if plasma levels of the interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra), an endogenous inhibitor of IL-1 signaling, can be used as a complementary biomarker for diagnosing GDM and predicting postpartum development of overt diabetes mellitus. Patients participating in this study (n = 227) were diagnosed with their first GDM 2004–2013 at Lund University Hospital, Lund, Sweden. Healthy pregnant volunteers (n = 156) were recruited from women’s welfare centers in the same region 2014–2015. Levels of IL-1Ra and C-peptide were analyzed in ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-plasma or serum using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). GDM patients had significantly lower levels of IL-1Ra than the control group (p = 0.012). In addition, GDM patients that had developed impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) or type 2 diabetes mellitus postpartum had significantly lower levels of IL-1Ra, and significantly higher levels of C-peptide than GDM patients that had not developed diabetes mellitus postpartum (p = 0.023) and (p = 0.0011) respectively. An inverse correlation was found between IL-1Ra and serum C-peptide levels in the control group (rs = -0.31 p = 0.0001). Our results show that IL-1Ra might be included in a future panel of biomarkers, both for diagnosing GDM to complement blood glucose, and also identifying GDM patients that are at risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus postpartum. However, the ROC curve analysis provided a sensitivity of 52.2% and specificity of 67.1%, which nonetheless may not be sufficient enough to use IL-1Ra as a sole biomarker.
机译:糖尿病是一组以慢性高血糖为特征的疾病。怀孕期间首次出现高血糖的妇女会接受诊断性妊娠糖尿病(GDM)。目前,关于GDM的诊断标准尚无共识。这些女性中的大多数随后会患上产后明显的糖尿病,因此尽早识别这些患者非常重要。在这项研究中,我们调查了IL-1信号的内源性抑制剂白介素1受体拮抗剂(IL-1Ra)的血浆水平是否可以用作诊断GDM并预测明显糖尿病的产后发展的补充生物标志物。参与这项研究的患者(n = 227)在瑞典隆德的隆德大学医院被诊断出患有其第一个GDM 2004–2013。 2014-2015年,从同一地区的妇女福利中心招募了健康的怀孕志愿者(n = 156)。使用酶联免疫吸附测定(ELISA)在乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)-血浆或血清中分析IL-1Ra和C肽的水平。 GDM患者的IL-1Ra水平明显低于对照组(p = 0.012)。此外,与没有产后糖尿病的GDM患者相比,发生葡萄糖耐量降低(IGT)或产后2型糖尿病的GDM患者的IL-1Ra水平明显降低,C肽水平明显升高。 0.023)和(p = 0.0011)。在对照组中,IL-1Ra与血清C肽水平呈负相关(rs = -0.31 p = 0.0001)。我们的结果表明,IL-1Ra可能会包括在将来的生物标志物中,既可以诊断GDM以补充血糖,也可以鉴定出有产后发展为2型糖尿病风险的GDM患者。然而,ROC曲线分析提供了52.2%的灵敏度和67.1%的特异性,但这可能不足以将IL-1Ra用作唯一的生物标志物。



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