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Assessing Workplace Relational Civility (WRC) with a New Multidimensional Mirror Measure




This article first introduces a new psychological construct and then presents the psychometric properties of a new multidimensional measure for assessing workplace relational civility (WRC). This new self-report mirror measure has two specular sections (Part A—Me with others; Part B—Others with me) that can assess individuals' relational patterns regarding civility and that can help reduce the bias in the assessment process. The results of exploratory factor analysis revealed a factor structure with three robust dimensions [relational decency (RD), relational culture (RCu), and relational readiness (RR)] exhibiting good values of internal consistency. Confirmatory factor analysis showed, in turn, a good fit of the model to the data. The correlations between the sections of the measure and the 11 instruments used were significant and in the expected directions. These results suggest that this new, brief mirror measure for assessing WRC can be easily employed in different organizational contexts to open different typologies of actions on the basis of the three dimensions, thereby facilitating the construction of a safer and more decent relational work environment.
机译:本文首先介绍一种新的心理构造,然后介绍一种用于评估工作场所关系文明(WRC)的新的多维量度的心理计量学特性。这种新的自我报告镜像方法具有两个镜射部分(A部分-与他人共处; B部分-与我共处),可以评估个人关于文明的关系模式,并有助于减少评估过程中的偏见。探索性因素分析的结果表明,一个具有三个稳健维度的因素结构[关系体面(RD),关系文化(RCu)和关系准备程度(RR)]具有良好的内部一致性值。验证性因素分析又表明该模型非常适合数据。度量的各个部分与所使用的11种工具之间的相关性是显着的,并且在预期的方向上。这些结果表明,这种用于评估WRC的简短的新方法可以轻松地在不同的组织环境中使用,以基于三个维度打开不同的行为类型,从而有助于构建更安全,更体面的关系型工作环境。



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