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A multi-site cutting device implements efficiently the divide-and-conquer strategy in tumor sampling




We recently showed that in order to detect intra-tumor heterogeneity a Divide-and-Conquer (DAC) strategy of tumor sampling outperforms current routine protocols. This paper is a continuation of this work, but here we focus on DAC implementation in the Pathology Laboratory. In particular, we describe a new simple method that makes use of a cutting grid device and is applied to clear cell renal cell carcinomas for DAC implementation. This method assures a thorough sampling of large surgical specimens, facilitates the demonstration of intratumor heterogeneity, and saves time to pathologists in the daily practice. The method involves the following steps: 1. Thin slicing of the tumor (by hand or machine), 2. Application of a cutting grid to the slices ( e.g., a French fry cutter), resulting in multiple tissue cubes with fixed position within the slice, 3. Selection of tissue cubes for analysis, and finally, 4. Inclusion of selected cubes into a cassette for histological processing (with about eight tissue fragments within each cassette). Thus, using our approach in a 10 cm in-diameter-tumor we generate 80 tumor tissue fragments placed in 10 cassettes and, notably, in a tenth of time. Eighty samples obtained across all the regions of the tumor will assure a much higher performance in detecting intratumor heterogeneity, as proved recently with synthetic data.
机译:我们最近表明,为了检测肿瘤内异质性,肿瘤采样的分而治之(DAC)策略优于目前的常规协议。本文是这项工作的延续,但这里我们重点介绍病理实验室中的DAC实现。特别是,我们描述了一种新的简单方法,该方法利用切割网格设备并将其应用于清除细胞肾细胞癌以进行DAC。这种方法可确保对大型外科手术标本进行彻底采样,有助于证明肿瘤内异质性,并在日常实践中为病理医生节省时间。该方法包括以下步骤:1.薄薄地切片肿瘤(用手或机器切割),2.在切片上应用切割网格(例如炸薯条),从而得到多个组织立方体,这些立方体在其内部处于固定位置切片,3.选择要进行分析的组织立方体,最后,4.将选定的立方体包含在盒中进行组织学处理(每个盒中约有8个组织碎片)。因此,使用我们的方法在直径为10 cm的肿瘤中,我们可以将80个肿瘤组织碎片放置在10个盒中,并且十分之一。最近通过合成数据证明,从肿瘤所有区域获得的80个样品将确保在检测肿瘤内异质性方面具有更高的性能。



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