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Integrity in and Beyond Contemporary Higher Education: What Does it Mean to University Students?




Research has focused on academic integrity in terms of students’ conduct in relation to university rules and procedures, whereas fewer studies examine student integrity more broadly. Of particular interest is whether students in higher education today conceptualize integrity as comprising such broader attributes as personal and social responsibility. We collected and analyzed qualitative responses from 127 students at the National University of Singapore to understand how they define integrity in their lives as students, and how they envisage integrity would be demonstrated in their lives after university. Consistent with the current literature, our data showed that integrity was predominantly taken as “not plagiarizing (in school)/giving appropriate credit when credit is due (in the workplace)”, “not cheating”, and “completing tasks independently”. The survey, though, also revealed further perceptions such as, in a university context, “not manipulating data (e.g., scientific integrity)”, “being honest with others”, “group work commitments”, “conscience/moral ethics/holding true to one’s beliefs”, “being honest with oneself”, “upholding a strong work ethic”, “going against conventions”, and “reporting others”, as well as, in a workplace context, “power and responsibility and its implications”, “professionalism”, and “representing or being loyal to an organization”. The findings suggest that some students see the notion of integrity extending beyond good academic conduct. It is worthwhile to (re)think more broadly what (else) integrity means, discover the gaps in our students’ understanding of integrity, and consider how best we can teach integrity to prepare students for future challenges to integrity and ethical dilemmas.
机译:研究一直侧重于与学生遵守大学规则和程序相关的学术诚信,而很少有研究从更广泛的角度考察学生的诚信。特别令人感兴趣的是,当今的高等教育学生是否将诚信概念化为包括个人和社会责任等更广泛的属性。我们收集并分析了来自新加坡国立大学的127名学生的定性反应,以了解他们如何定义学生的生活品格,以及他们如何设想大学后的生活中的品格。与目前的文献一致,我们的数据显示诚信主要被看作是“在学校(应为工作场所)不窃/给予适当的信用”,“不作弊”和“独立完成任务”。但是,该调查还显示出更多的看法,例如在大学环境中,“不操纵数据(例如,科学诚信)”,“对他人诚实”,“团队合作承诺”,“良心/道德伦理/信守事实”。 ”,“诚实”,“坚持坚强的职业道德”,“违反公约”和“报告他人”,以及在工作场所中“权力和责任及其含义”, “专业主义”和“代表或忠于组织”。调查结果表明,一些学生看到诚信的概念超出了良好的学术行为。值得(重新)更广泛地思考(其他)诚信的含义,发现学生对诚信的理解上的差距,并考虑如何最好地教导诚信,以使学生为将来面对诚信和道德困境的挑战做好准备。



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