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ff14IDPs Force Field Improving the Conformation Sampling of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins




Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) are proteins which lack of specific tertiary structure and unable to fold spontaneously without the partner binding. These IDPs are found to associate with various diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. However, current widely used force fields, such as ff99SB, ff14SB, OPLS/AA, and Charmm27 are insufficient in sampling the conformational characters of IDPs. In this study, the CMAP method was used to correct the φ/ψ distributions of disorder-promoting amino acids. The simulation results show that the force filed parameters (ff14IDPs) can improve the φ/ψ distributions of the disorder-promoting amino acids, with RMSD less than 0.10% relative to the benchmark data of IDPs. Further test suggests that the calculated secondary chemical shifts under ff14IDPs force field are in quantitative agreement with the data of NMR experiment for five tested systems. In addition, the simulation results show that ff14IDPs can still be used to model structural proteins, such as tested lysozyme and ubiquitin, with better performance in coil regions than the original general Amber force field ff14SB. These findings confirm that the newly developed Amber ff14IDPs force field is a robust model for improving the conformation sampling of IDPs.
机译:内在无序蛋白(IDP)是缺乏特定三级结构并且在没有伴侣结合的情况下无法自发折叠的蛋白。发现这些IDP与多种疾病有关,例如糖尿病,癌症和神经退行性疾病。但是,当前广泛使用的力场(例如ff99SB,ff14SB,OPLS / AA和Charmm27)不足以对IDP的构象特征进行采样。在这项研究中,使用CMAP方法校正促病氨基酸的φ/ψ分布。仿真结果表明,力场参数(ff14IDPs)可以改善促病氨基酸的φ/ψ分布,相对于IDPs基准数据,RMSD小于0.10%。进一步的测试表明,在ff14IDPs力场下计算出的二次化学位移与五个测试系统的NMR实验数据定量一致。此外,仿真结果表明,ff14IDP仍可用于建模结构蛋白,例如经过测试的溶菌酶和泛素,在线圈区域的性能要优于原始的一般琥珀色力场ff14SB。这些发现证实,新开发的琥珀色ff14IDP力场是用于改进IDP构象采样的可靠模型。



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